What's your favorite drink?

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Alcoholic Drink

  • Beer

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  • Mixed

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  • Straight

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  • Other (not listed)

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  • I don't drink alcohol

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I don't drink sodas. Occasionally I'll have a Coke but for the most part I drink water.
I drink Eight O'Clock coffee that I make at home in my Cuisinart coffee maker. I do 1/3 Hazelnut, 2/3 Original and grind the beans myself. It far surpasses any coffee I can buy.
I've tried Eight O'clock coffee because I've heard so many good reviews of it, and I just don't like it. It tastes like cheap, nasty coffee, but maybe I'm making it wrong. I also have a cuisinart coffee maker - what ratio are you using?

I don't drink sodas. Occasionally I'll have a Coke but for the most part I drink water.
I drink Eight O'Clock coffee that I make at home in my Cuisinart coffee maker. I do 1/3 Hazelnut, 2/3 Original and grind the beans myself. It far surpasses any coffee I can buy.
I've tried Eight O'clock coffee because I've heard so many good reviews of it, and I just don't like it. It tastes like cheap, nasty coffee, but maybe I'm making it wrong. I also have a cuisinart coffee maker - what ratio are you using?
count me among those who don't like Eight O'clock coffee. I've tried just about all their flavors too. I wanted to like it since the coffee is pretty inexpensive but all of them tasted like I was using gym socks for coffee filters. Blech!

My favorite coffee (currently) is the Starbucks Africa Kitamu. Yum. I don't buy it unless it's on sale and I have a coupon, b/c I'm to cheap to pay that much for coffee.

I don't drink sodas. Occasionally I'll have a Coke but for the most part I drink water.
I drink Eight O'Clock coffee that I make at home in my Cuisinart coffee maker. I do 1/3 Hazelnut, 2/3 Original and grind the beans myself. It far surpasses any coffee I can buy.
I've tried Eight O'clock coffee because I've heard so many good reviews of it, and I just don't like it. It tastes like cheap, nasty coffee, but maybe I'm making it wrong. I also have a cuisinart coffee maker - what ratio are you using?
count me among those who don't like Eight O'clock coffee. I've tried just about all their flavors too. I wanted to like it since the coffee is pretty inexpensive but all of them tasted like I was using gym socks for coffee filters. Blech!

My favorite coffee (currently) is the Starbucks Africa Kitamu. Yum. I don't buy it unless it's on sale and I have a coupon, b/c I'm to cheap to pay that much for coffee.

Maybe it's just that my taste buds are not very discerning. I grind whole beans, and use 1.5 tablespoons of whole beans per cup of water. Usually Mrs. Chuck can get a 1lb bag for around $1.50 when it's on sale and she has a coupon.

Usually Mrs. Chuck can get a 1lb bag for around $1.50 when it's on sale and she has a coupon.
I know, which is why I really wanted to like it. I tried all their flavors, but I really could not continue to justify buying it even at those prices.

Their flavored varieties (Hazelnut especially) were just bizarre. I like hazelnut, but I couldn't get over the smell of the eight o'clock coffee hazelnut flavored coffee. It didn't smell like coffee, it smelled artificial. Which probably detracted from the taste for me. To each his own. If you like that's great, the price is really hard to beat.

I bought the Magic Hat 12 pack with 4 varieties of beer. All four of them tasted like bitter pieces of ****.

Never again, Magic Hat.

Wasn't #9 in that sampler pack? I had that once out in Boston and it was a fruity mess. I hear they have some good hopped "bitter pieces of ****" ;)

Off topic: Is that an opposed fire boiler you got there?

Wasn't #9 in that sampler pack? I had that once out in Boston and it was a fruity mess. I hear they have some good hopped "bitter pieces of ****" ;)
Off topic: Is that an opposed fire boiler you got there?
#9 was in there. I was thinking it would be fruity, but it was nothing even close. I'm wondering if this was an old/bad batch of everything? It all tasted like bitter, skunky beer that even a college kid wouldn't want. And at $16 for the 12 pack, I was thoroughly disappointed.

As for the boiler, that would be a drawing pulled off Google of a Hitachi supercritical unit. The configuration has proven to be quite the PITA to put together, though Hitachi (the overseas branch, not the domestic offices) have turned out some quality parts. The drawings however are a garbled mess! No separation of shop details and field details, and you have to go through about four reference drawings to find what you're looking for. The stuff I've seen from Foster Wheeler and Alstom were light years better.


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