Tomb Raider is an amazing game. I do hope they make a sequel for it sometime soon. I'm a big fan of that Tomb Raider/Uncharted genre as well, third person adventure/platformer?Anyone have any other PS4 recommendations? I will probably pick up Tomb Raider over my vacation. Its only $35 new, can probably pick it up used from Gamestop for less. No FPS, thought I don't mind platformers that have a FPS element like Tomb Raider, Uncharted, etc.
Have you checked out Last of Us? I haven't played it yet, but I've heard very good things.
Command and Conquer Generals and Command and Conquer General Zero Hour nearly caused me to flunk engineering school. I played that constantly along with Grand Theft Auto Vice City. I thoroughly enjoyed building so many nuclear silos that they would nearly fill up the whole map. Using Black Lotus to drain the enemies bank account.....priceless. My buddy from college (computer engineer) hacked the game and we adjusted the damage from our weapons. The cannons in the China army were so powerful they blew up my own base. Jarmin Kell is one of my favorite characters as he can kill the tank drivers allowing you to send your guys out to capture the tanks. The Chinese army would send wave after wave of tanks to destroy your base and Jarmen Kell would take them all out. Send in about 20 guys to capture the tanks and turn the tanks around to go fight the enemy. The real drawback about playing this game is the connection issues. It would constantly "mismatch" and contacting EA was useless. They don't care they just want your money. I tried San Andreas and hated it. My buddy from school talked me into getting an XBOX after we graduated. Now I play mostly first person shooter games. I tried the COD games and want to love them but the hackers have driven me away. I'm a Battlefield fan and have all four editions. A few of you have mentioned Red Dead that game is awesome! I love it and wish they would come out with another. The online multiplayer sucks. It's plagued with hackers and that takes the fun out of it.
If anyone wants to play I have a 2nd account established. I need to scale back a bit and only focus on one.Game of War on my cell phone. This is such an addicting game, plus it has Kate Upton as the spokesmodel (and she's in the game too)
It's the terrible graphics...I tried playing Minecraft with my son over xmas break. I had a headache after 20 minutes due to the motion. I can do 1st person games, just something was off with this one.
LOL! Dang it Skyrim!Still wasn't as bad as the time I got myself motion sick playing Skyrim...
Picked up an XBOX One controller for PC so that I could play Mortal Kombat (Steam Edition) online with friends. Pretty fun actually.