What about you! WW?My kids are Joker, Batman, and Robin.
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What about you! WW?My kids are Joker, Batman, and Robin.
What about buff?Wonder Woman (MiniBuff 1) and Tinker Bell (MiniBuff 2).
I have been requested by the miniBuffs to wear my horse head this year (again). I do not have it with me at work, however.What about buff?
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This is what my child went out as last night. He filled the pockets on his vest with candy and I had to think back to when he most recently had blue grouse in there.I dress as a hunter. Because October is for hunting.
13 minutes ago, jeb6294 said:
Like I said, the wife loves Halloween. Can't tell because it was just before trick-or-treating started so it was still light out, but there's a strobe light on the big inflatable arch at the beginning. We were a bit bummed because the "forest demon" at the end is supposed to jump up and say creepy stuff but he fell over and stopped working during set up. Now that it's over and stuff will be on sale, I'm sure she'll replace him with 3 other things.
Well done! :appl:Like I said, the wife loves Halloween. Can't tell because it was just before trick-or-treating started so it was still light out, but there's a strobe light on the big inflatable arch at the beginning. We were a bit bummed because the "forest demon" at the end is supposed to jump up and say creepy stuff but he fell over and stopped working during set up. Now that it's over and stuff will be on sale, I'm sure she'll replace him with 3 other things.