Virginia results

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What other tests were given on April 11? The only other one I knew about was the surveyers. If the hypothesis is correct that the lucky test-passers will fall into the two series 04020443* and 04020444*, there are only 155 spots, of which we figure ~125 will actually be filled (read: passed). Is that correct, that the test will only produce 125 new engineers? I took my exam at the Kena Lodge up in Fairfax, and it seemed that there could be approximately 200 test takers there. Plus there are three other sites (Richmond, Roanoke, and Norfolk). What was the attendance like at these other three sites?

What other tests were given on April 11? The only other one I knew about was the surveyers. If the hypothesis is correct that the lucky test-passers will fall into the two series 04020443* and 04020444*, there are only 155 spots, of which we figure ~125 will actually be filled (read: passed). Is that correct, that the test will only produce 125 new engineers? I took my exam at the Kena Lodge up in Fairfax, and it seemed that there could be approximately 200 test takers there. Plus there are three other sites (Richmond, Roanoke, and Norfolk). What was the attendance like at these other three sites?
I don't believe that these two are exclusive 100 numbered series on waiting for the PE Exam result. These two certainly have long list of PE numbers with undeclared status. I am not sure whether these series represent Civil engineers alone, or every one in PE category. My observation hints that majority of PE applicants, and certified engineers fall under comity based PE instead of direct exams. Virginia being an important state (economically, geographically, intellectually, and socially), many engineers want to have their PE certification issued by virginia state as well. That is why, when I searched the possible 100 number series in that website, I find the rate of expansion of 100 numbered series is very fast, but number of declared status in each hundred stops somewhere 70-85. These two hundred series had less than 40 and less than 10, respectively. The number hardly changed in last two months or so. The 04020445* has 63 or so. As my hopeful PE certification number also falls in the same hundred series, I believe that there should not be a siginificant number of PE exam takers as compared to comity based PEs.

I recently read in one news article (I don't remember the source) that out of 80,000 engineers produced every year, only 20,000 take FE exam, and I will wonder the ratio between PE Exam takers vs FE Exam Pass outs. Outside the FE Exam hall, I saw 100s of examinees standing while waiting to enter the hall, while the number was insignificant outside the PE Exam hall. I think the PE certified engineers are not many, the number of PE certificates are certainly too many, because those who get the first PE certificates after passing the exam, compete to get as many as they can following the COMITY method.


Which testing location did you take your test at? How many test-takers would you estimate were there?

Congrats GeoCivil... I see that you've hit your 26th post, so you're recently eligible for the banner when you get your positive results back.

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using all the voodo and searching names, i did find a few that were dated 6/13/08 and have VA addresses....could be comity, or could be some results???

using all the voodo and searching names, i did find a few that were dated 6/13/08 and have VA addresses....could be comity, or could be some results???
The hundred series matters. I believe that 0402044600 and + numbers do not fall in April 2008 Exam category. Most of them fall within 0402044200 to 0402044599. I doubt whether there are any siginificant numbers in 200 and 500 series. Most fall in 300 and 400 category. These are all my speculations, do not count them as exclusive numbers. It is just a guess. I might be completely wrong. I might be one of the three blinds who went to find how an elephant would be....

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A coworker of mine emailed EES yesterday and they replied that the results were being sent to DPOR that day (Tuesday June 17). If true, results should arrive at DPOR today. Any thoughts on how many days it will take DPOR to get results into their system once they have results in hand?

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Joe, Thank you very much for the info :smileyballs: .

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Sorry about the day of the week mixup, Geocivil. I corrected my post to indicate Tuesday the 17th.

A coworker of mine emailed EES yesterday and they replied that the results were being sent to DPOR that day (Tuesday June 17). If true, results should arrive at DPOR today. Any thoughts on how many days it will take DPOR to get results into their system once they have results in hand?

Yes, thank you for sharing! I am wondering if they update the database every evening? (When you perform a license lookup on DPORs site, it has the date page was last updated at the bottom.

It would be so great if they could instantly start putting the info into the DB! :)

Good question Nessie... when do they update the database. I had not even thought about that. Imagine how much more productive I'd have been during this past week if I knew there was no point in checking it more than once a day.

Good question Nessie... when do they update the database. I had not even thought about that. Imagine how much more productive I'd have been during this past week if I knew there was no point in checking it more than once a day.
Don't feel too bad - even though I rationally know they probably only periodically update, I still picture someone in Richmond typing away, each individual name! Therefore, I lookup my name at least 10-20 times per day, just in case. ;)

After reviewing posts from the April 2007 exam, it would appear that VA DPOR is pretty efficient at getting the results posted online once they receive the exam results from EES. Assuming that EES actually sent them out yesterday as was indicated in their email, they may get the online search updated before the weekend (Hopefully).

Anyone think we've got a chance of finding new names on the DPOR website today? :dunno:

Oh, don't say tonight. I keep hoping for Nessie's image of "someone in Richmond typing away, each individual name" straight into the system.

Oh, don't say tonight. I keep hoping for Nessie's image of "someone in Richmond typing away, each individual name" straight into the system.
lol! Guys, I don't mean to spoil the day...but to me the test takers can be devided into following catagories:

Type 1: who just knows that they've nailed it! they don't worry about the result at all! (this is my second effort and I don't belong in this catagory)

Type 2: 60/40 chance (they worry a lot! like I know that i've got 48 questions right.....)

Type 3: 50/50- they should not be optimistic! Hence, no use of worrying!

Yes, I know that engineers got various levels of "guessing" skills....perhaps you all have noticed that PE exam is structured in such a way that it's hard to pass for type 2, let alone type 3 (atleast with my track record of guess work!).....

Anyway, the bottom line is that no use of worrying! it'll come out in one bright morning...GOOD LUCK to you all....and yes, as for me i'm not worrying at all!

lol! Guys, I don't mean to spoil the day...but to me the test takers can be devided into following catagories:
Anyway, the bottom line is that no use of worrying! it'll come out in one bright morning...GOOD LUCK to you all....and yes, as for me i'm not worrying at all!
We are not Saints. We will be worried .... Thanks to Tara at for her prompt and reliable answer: "The disc was mailed to VADPOR yesterday, once they process and reconcile they will mail results."

When I asked her: "How long more should we wait? It is very painful, specially, when majority of the fellow examinees have already received the result. Is there any way, you can provide a hint? "

I want to see my name on the VA DPOR Website ........... Desperately. If not this time, by next January, and therefore, I want to know the exam result A.S.A.P. so that I can motivate myself for the October Exam in case I fail. Here is my math: Morning session, I must get 32/40, and afternoon session, 20 /40 with confidence, and 10 / 40 with 70% confidence, and rest 10/40 with 50/50 confidence. I guessed 2 questions in afternoon session very badly. So, my score should 32 + 20 + 10 * 0.7 + 10 * 0.5 = 63 / 80 Which is between 75% and 79% (=C). I filed one complain because two answers were so close to each other that these two choices make no sense to me as an engineer. I hope that they rejected that question, so that I can count my score as 63+1= 64 (80%). If the pass score is 70%, then I am on safe side. If it is 80%, then I am ready to move to next exam.

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In my eyes you have "already passed" will get the cofirmation soon! (how about that for motivation!)
