Tiger's image in trouble?

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i imagine Tiger has to think its fortunate that Woods Sr (Earl) wasn't around to see the colossal FAIL he has wrought upon himself, his name, and his legacy. Utterly pathetic, utterly embarassing.
It's funny looking back to the Monday the story first broke and the guys who were saying, "Give him a break. He's got supermodels constantly running at him. Everybody will slip eventually."

Somewhere between then and Girl #20, I quit hearing that.

By the way, for what it's worth, I heard that one of the tabloids was going to break the story awhile ago. Tiger's management found out about it and struck a deal with the tabloid's parent company. The story was buried and in exchange, Tiger did a front page exclusive interview for one of the company's fitness magazines.

Really? We're still talking about Tiger? I'm so tempted to start a John Edwards thread... has a kid with mistress, and buys her a house down the street from his dying wife.

Really? We're still talking about Tiger? I'm so tempted to start a John Edwards thread... has a kid with mistress, and buys her a house down the street from his dying wife.
Yeah, they're both pretty scummy. Edwards is a politician, I sort of expect them to be scum.

I don't really expect much of athletes either, other than to just do well in their sport.

I don't have a lot of temptation in this area, so I guess I can't really say how I would act. But just thinking about how devastated my wife would be if I did something like this- I don't think I would do it.

Give him about a year or so... he'll be forgotten about just like Marv Albert, Kobe Bryant, etc...


two years from now, and 4+ more majors, and the story will be all about him as the greatest golfer ever. This will pass

this thing is way over the top IMHO. Personally I don't care about his love life or sexual prowess. All the talking heads said this morning that he going to say that he needs to stay in "rehab". for what??? getting his wick dipped?? bieng horny?? Who gives a flying crap.

If you're going to make zillions of dollars by playing the public opin ion of the ideal hero and family man, then you'd better buck up and live like the ideal hero and family man. You want to act out strange sexual fantasies then go for it, but you just can't have it both ways.

Tiger should just get back to playnig golf.

Roland Martin sums up my views nicely. Essentially, I like to watch the guy play golf. I don't give two shits about his moral compass because I don't base my morals off of what professional athletes do. They are good at what they do, they are compensated with what people are willing to give them, and I enjoy watching them do what they're good at. I think Tiger has become the scapegoat for every housewife in America that is frustrated by cheating men, but he didn't cheat on them, so they really have no beef with him. I think he owes an apology to his wife, family, and maybe some close friends. But all this shit about him owing an apology to the American people is absolutely ludicrous.
^Agreed. And why does he need to give some big public apology? The only ones he needs to apologize to is his wife for porking every floozy in sight and the PGA for being an embarassment/disruption.

I think he should go a totally different direction than what everyone expects. How awesome would it be if he came into the press conference and announced "Yeah! I f-ed am all and I'm proud of it. Wanna see pictures?"

His apology was well crafted and delivered, but I don't think it will sway opinions one way or the other. It didn't change my opinion because I didn't think he needed to apologize anyway. People that were vilifying him before will find some fault in the speech, I'm sure. The writers are going to be especially unhappy because he wouldn't give them sordid details, refuses to answer questions about the actual affairs, and basically told them to piss off when it came to talking to/photographing his family.

I'm disappointed that he didn't announce when he will return to golf. I was hoping that he'd commit to playing the Masters. I wonder how much longer his sex addiction therapy is going to last (he's already been in for 45 days).

I wonder how much longer his sex addiction therapy is going to last (he's already been in for 45 days).

Probably a lifetime recovery consisting of Jerkins, RedTube, and Palmela Handerson!

Did you guys see the first version of his statement? I think he made a good choice.

Tiger Woods Sincerely Apologizes for that "5" He Did

In his first public statement since a car accident set off a whirlwind of scrutiny and sordid revelations, Tiger Woods apologized today for hooking up with women far below the quality he could -- and should have -- pulled.

"I let down a lot of people," said Woods, in his statement. "It is one thing for an athlete to have affairs, it is far different thing to hook up with some of the questionably attractive uggers I slept with. And for that I am truly sorry. You have no idea. I have had nightmares."

Woods then presented a slide show of the women he had affairs with, stopping to apologize for the most unsightly conquests. He broke into tears after pulling up pictures of Jamie Jungers and Perkins waitress Mindy Lawton.

"I was so foolish. So incredibly stupid," said Woods. "These are not attractive women. These are not women someone with my fame and fortune should have sex with. Some of these are 4s, 5s, 6s. As you can see, I have a serious problem. And that is why I have sought help."

The golfer said in his statement that he is returning to therapy.

"Therapy is helping me turn down uglier chicks," he said. "I once had the strength to do that. I married a hot woman. But in recent years I have fallen short of my own standards -- standards that any man should strive to uphold."

Woods said he hopes to return to golf and to desirable women as soon as he possibly can.

I still wonder why he would have been doing these questionable women with a wife like that at home. Maybe Elin was a cold fish or something.

It doesn't matter how hot someone is. You stick one guy with one chick long enough, and he's going to grow tired of her. And that's just the average Joe.

right, even brad & angelina joilie got tired of each other.. the rest of us should get world peace medals for hanging on so long
