~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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I'm thinking that since it's gonna be 20-30 below over night and my cars are parked outdoors, I'm gonna start them a few times and let them run to keep them running.

Ok, so it's 0230 and I've run the washing machine twice now to avoid it from freezing and started my car twice to prevent it from starting issues when I have to leave for work. All in 4 hour intervals. All because of this Damn polar vortex. I'm so done with winter.

looks like i am going to be doing the grocery shopping tonight or else the shelves will be empty if I wait until saturday. 5-8 inches of snow and up to a quarter inch of ice saturday night through sunday night

So they just updated the weather forecast on the latest upcoming snow. 8-12 inches Sunday night until Monday night/Tues morning.

Depends. Last year everything started turning green in March only to get hit with one last frost that stunted everything for the summer. Our "spring" is usually only 2-3 weeks long in April where everything goes from brown & dead, to green and needing to mow the lawn.

The mountains can expect to start planting gardens about Mother's day, and grow through Labor Day. Down here in the city, we start about a month before that and extend through mid October, although I have had to mow the lawn in early November before.

Second spring thaw underway. Ya'll on the east coast are stealing our weather. Hit a new daily high temp record yesterday with +49*F. Beat the old record by 1 degree. Only took 40 years

Nah, the gf wants to start getting the garden in. If it comes back, she'll get into a foul mood. Rather be happy in the garden



We had a very teasing weekend last weekend... but at least I got the leaves mulched.

Just got back from the lumber yard and am now drenched. I also just realized I grabbed the wrong length of 1x2s...great.
