~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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we get a couple today but they're talking 6-12 for Wednesday. oh boy.

Calm before the storm here. Nice day today but the forecast says snow starts just before the morning commute tomorrow and continues through until the eveing commute. Expected accumulation is 8-10 in. Guess who'll likely be working from home tomorrow.

I wish working from home was an option. instead I have to trek in during a blizzard if necessary to get paid

just enough snow to make the commute suck each day, and cold enough that it will stick around until this weekend.

Forcast says 1-2" each day, and temps in the mid teens through the week. First day over freezing is expected to be this weekend.

We're having a real winter this year which is great for the drought and such, but I prefer thos days when it's 50's in Denver and a howling snowstorm in the mountains.
