~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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6 inches of snow, followed by anywhere from 0.1 - 0.5 inches of ice. Let's just hope the power stays on.

Weather was bad here yesterday. A delivery I was expecting from UPS was delayed due to "adverse weather conditions"...

...it was 48 degrees and misty. :tardbang:

there was at least a foot of snow on driveway...even with my 4wd i wouldn't have been able to back out of the garage

2" of snow yesterday. A light dusting of more snow overnight. Temperature as I left the house this morning -11. Expected high: 5. F this.

Woke up to a couple of inches on the ground and snowing hard.

Several hours later we're up to ~6+ and still coming down.

With all of the the remote access options available, I decided to stay home today.

-15 at our house this am.. tell you how cold it is.. I put my car in garage last night (I rarely do) and none of the snow even melted off of it...

Lot of schools had a one hour delay, wish ours would have, I just went in late to work. my middle school kids have right at a mile to walk to school and -15 is a little much.. seemed most other parents did the same thing so I dropped them off and let them walk the final 1/4 mile (dont tell there mom ;) )

Roads were clear down North of Denver but they do an absoulte horrid job in Boulder. narrow roads with on street parking both side and at least 4-6" of packed snow to drive on. I always have to put it in 4WD when I pull of 36. I have seen tons of cars that have slipped and banged into cars parked on the street..

only thing that makes me smile is all the on street parkign around my office (we have no actual employee parking which sucks) when they do plow they pile the snow up in the parking spaces and most of the prius, subaru's etc cant make it over the 2' pile of snow.. and thats when the old tahoe pulls right over it.. ive had "rock star" parking all week...

actually, no. I'm still getting use to everyone and their personal quirks, digital accents, if you will, all the while creating a visual of everyone. Anyway, I just didn't expect to see "y'all".

just funnin....

I try and use Ya'll here in my new state (im originally from GA) whenever I can..
