~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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The problem with rain here in CO is that most windshield wipers dry out and cracked because they are used so rarely. Then when it finally does rain, people learn how bad their wipers are and drive like morons because they can't see anything. A few hours later, once the rain has stopped, people quickly forget about their crappy wipers and don't swap them. Mrs Dex is part of that group. She drove around for a year and a half with a broken wiper. It was fixed the first time I drove it in the rain.

^ I try to keep a spare set of wipers in the trunk for this reason.

It was fixin' to rain today but never quite got there. 2013 was literally the driest year on record for LA and it's not getting any better.

It was fixin' to rain today but never quite got there. 2013 was literally the driest year on record for LA and it's not getting any better.

SoCal is returning to its normal weather patterns, I'm afraid. That doesn't bode well for the populace.

Y'all see Al Roker's rant about the idiot mayor of da ATL?
I did see that, and while I do think he is an idiot I think he is being blamed for problems well beyond his control. I'd say the worst problems happened outside the city limits of Atlanta and thus beyond the control of Kasim Reed. He still did a poor job of handling the situation, but I think he is being unfairly blamed for the problems of the entire region.

Fschool. No weather line, no announcements, and unless you happen to watch the 6am news, you would have no idea that they're on a 90 minute delayed schedule. Dammit.

Yesterday evening it was a whopping 28 deg.! That's quite a swing from what it was earlier this week. So I was out with the dog clearing any snow I missed when it was so Fcold.

Forecast for tomorrow's disc golf tournament: high of 25 degrees, with the 1-2" of snow from today likely to remain...

its been snowing since 7 this morning and it isn't showing signs of stopping...but from up here on the second floor it doesn't lok like a lot of accumulation.
