~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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Only 20 degrees outside, but the clear skies are allowing the roads to melt anyways. Should make for a wet/sloppy couple of days...

We got snow today, probably 2 inches of it. I left the office at noon, when it just started snowing, and was very glad I did mostly because the roads became a total gridlocked mess by 1pm. For those that left work later it sounds like a 4+ hour commute home was the norm rather than the exception.

Supposedly after tonight, we should begin to warm up. Maybe even get above freezing for a change.

it seems that things are actually much worse than I initially suspected. A number of people I know have had to abandon their vehicles and set out on foot. One of those is my sister-in-law, who was trying to pick up her daughter from school. It sounds like their plan is to spend the night at the school!

I feel a little guilty about my speed limit drive home at lunch today and my casual stroll around the neighborhood this afternoon enjoying the snow now. :blush2:

I heard the same on the evening news. Most school districts with busing services were suspended in the afternoon. Parents were welcomed to pick up their child if they could. Otherwise we're prepared to hold the children over night due to travel conditions. It never dawned on me that parents could the night with the kids, but it's probably a good idea.
