~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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Got to the outside water valve a bit late. Turned it to open so that it will drip all night... One broken valve wheel, one hair drier, and one pair of channel locks later... Success!

Got to the outside water valve a bit late. Turned it to open so that it will drip all night... One broken valve wheel, one hair drier, and one pair of channel locks later... Success!
I feel your pain. Same happened to me. Mine connects to the feed line on water heater. The leak caused a drop in pressure to the water heater and prevented me from having any hot water in it he house. After replacing a third of the pipe network after the water heater, looking for a blocked pipe, I happened to notice the snow melted in the area of the leak.

Just got a call from a friend who works nearby, he left work at 4pm and he's only made it 4 miles. He just called and asked to crash at my place...

...if he can find a way back here.

I think they think the world will end if they cancel classes. Every other college here is on a delay until ten am but us.I doubt that will change but iIl also doubt i can make it up the hill to get to the highway yet. It kinda irks me that VCU is delayed and we aren't.

I left work at 3:30 yesterday, started snowing just as I made it close to my neighborhood. Glad I did, traffic was already picking up, schools were being dismissed early, and everything was a nightmare shortly thereafter. Schools cancelled today, see a few tire marks in my street, but you see a nice glisten over the whole thing. Seeing as my 2WD long bed Silverado is my only means of transportation right now, I said screw it and an working from home. We got maybe an inch or so.

At my last job in the 2011 snowstorm we had four snow plow for a county of over 1 million people. The same politicians that chewed out our maintenance guys for slow response with their massive four pieces of equipment were the same ones a year later to deny funding when they wanted to buy two or three additional snowplow I hope they sit this on the politicians

I'm sure the same thing happened at other governments

I was up all night watching people's comments on Facebook friend a friend of mine slept under a bridge near Cumberland Mall I feel really bad.

I guess living in the northeast, having decent all weather tires is a way of life. I imagine the biggest problem with driving in < 4in. snow down south is that the everyday tires are pretty warn and don't have an aggressive tre4ad to start with. No traction. and then all ti takes is one car to block the road for [people behind that could likely make it.

I get really annoyed around here if there's a slight incline in the road and one f'tard blocks the road because he's too cheap, lazy, and stupid to get a decent set of winter tires.

all it takes is one tractor trailer to slip on the ice and an entire interstate is screwed.. but yes you can get by a few years with bald tires.. I imagine atlanta has a ton of 2WD SUV's (rear wheel drive) and they are pretty worthless on ice.. we got caught in a snow storm driving to North Carolina a few years back, I think the only reason we got there is I had brand new all terrain tires and I had a hitch hauler (basket thing that sticks out the back of your hitch) and I stopped at a lowes and loaded it down with several 80 lb bags of concrete for more traction..

Im not sure why the hell the state DOT didnt at least do some pre salting / sanding of the roads.

after the 2011 ice storm and my wife had to spend a week at the hosiptal I said never again, so I bought snow chains for my durango and for her little prius (which has actually dont well in the snow out here- but we bought her two snow tires for the front). I kept the snow chains in the car from October - Febuary..so there is some personal responsibility on peoples part, I think the snow chains were aroudn $50 bucks each set. imaghine the difference if 30% of the people out there had them.. Boy Scout Motto - Be Prepared!

Also one cool fact about the last 2011 snow storm my work ran out of sand and salt (had used more than 600 tons) the quary was locked and I was told to call the quary manager and let him know that we would be breaking the lock on the gate and taking what we needed and would pay up later. They were very cool and said take what you need...

Some friends from my old scout troop (adults) spent last night going out in there 4WD trucks picking up anyone they could and helping pull people out. One guy picked up a good friend of ours that tried to go I-20 to six flags drive home and got stranded in a really bad part of atlanta......

All I know is that when the weather predicted snow I decided to leave the office before it started. It is a decision I am very very happy I made.

I remember back in January 2000, maybe 2001, I drove to Florida with my father, while the rest of my family flew down. Leaving just ahead of the evening commute, we started south on I-95, drove through the night into an ice/snow storm from about Virginia to South Carolina when we hit daybreak. I remember seeing some crazy sh!t. tractor trailer flipped on their sides in the median, trailers split in half, cars off the road.

The only time I've ever seen snow chains is in Colorado. They're illegal here because of the damage they do to the roads.

I drive around in 2WD as much as I can just for fun. I had a 2 mph race up a hill with a mini-van a couple weeks ago. I managed to pass them on the right but eventually got stuck. Then 4WD to the rescue suckas.

I was down in Atlanta about 2 days after that 2011 snow/ice storm and I'll say the roads were pretty bad, even for a Yankee. Considering how hilly it is, there were some side roads I wouldn't drive down with that ice and I'm sure the main roads were just as bad when it first happened.

All I know is that when the weather predicted snow I decided to leave the office before it started. It is a decision I am very very happy I made.
this is my SOP. Snow/ice predicted I leave an hr or so before it is supposed to start...even if it never materializes or ended up not being as bad as predicted

A lot (not all) is just experience driving on ice/snow.

We had one exceptionally nasty, icy day back when I was on site at the last project. 4WD Dodge diesels were stuck on site. Fairly steep grade to get both off site, and up the hill that leads back onto the interstate. I had a FWD saturn with Pirelli P Zero summer performance tires. I made it out of there with the steering wheel at full lock to get up the hill, as it was grabbing the sipes on the far edges of the sidewalls. Most everyone on the site was from Asheville, NC or lower, and ended up pulling off to the side of the road and calling for help.

Of course, it helps that I understood coefficients of friction, which seems to elude most people down south, who think that just because their wheels stop turning, that the car stops moving accordingly. Most accidents I saw were people sliding past stop signs coming in waaay to hot.

A day like yesterday in Atlanta even if they were illegal no one would care if you had them..

I had a 2wd ranger pick up at work with the fiberglass style chains an they make a huge difference... I don't think they are illegal in Georgia.. But they are mandatory for truckers on I-70 through the mountains when it snows...

I think all 18-wheelers should be required to have them during winter months .. I think most of the problems yesterday were tractor trailers jack knifing and closing 7 lanes at a time...
