Master slacker
Something awesome.
Got to the outside water valve a bit late. Turned it to open so that it will drip all night... One broken valve wheel, one hair drier, and one pair of channel locks later... Success!
I feel your pain. Same happened to me. Mine connects to the feed line on water heater. The leak caused a drop in pressure to the water heater and prevented me from having any hot water in it he house. After replacing a third of the pipe network after the water heater, looking for a blocked pipe, I happened to notice the snow melted in the area of the leak.Got to the outside water valve a bit late. Turned it to open so that it will drip all night... One broken valve wheel, one hair drier, and one pair of channel locks later... Success!
A lot of Atlanta folks spent the night on the road, at work or at school. The friend who called for a place to stay never could make it here. 2 inches of snow has totally paralyzed the city.
this is my SOP. Snow/ice predicted I leave an hr or so before it is supposed to start...even if it never materializes or ended up not being as bad as predictedAll I know is that when the weather predicted snow I decided to leave the office before it started. It is a decision I am very very happy I made.