~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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The 2-hour delay has pretty much become the normal schedule for our school district this month. Between the overnight snows and sub-zero temperatures, school has been either delayed or cancelled over 50% of the time.

It's officially snowing / sleeting here. Should make for an interesting commute. Countless accidents already being reported. Yee haw.

I don't really get the two-hour school delay, especially on a Friday...just call it off.

They can count that as a full day towards their 180 days and not have to make it up...that's why they do that. Any more than two hours and they are docked a half day.


Drive in was uneventful... except for the people driving 40 in a 55 zone. There is no accumulation... this highway has enough traffic... and the ground down here is warm enough to not let the road freeze.

I actually passed someone on the road. Unreal.

Currently 2 degrees but feels like -18 degrees. F-ing cold!

At least it's supposed to be 77 in Orlando on wedding day.

We got snow Thursday morning. It's supposed to warm back up and melt it off today, then get up to the mid-60's tomorrow.

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Cold. Had to work from home today to get junior on the bus thanks to a two hour delay.

Our glass birdbath froze and shattered in the cold snap a couple of weeks ago. Shards of glass were everywhere.

21 and snowing. 2 inches of snow on the ground already. Polar vortex to return over night.

The warmer temps made the snow here in RI good snowman snow. My daughter was very happy.

-30 with the wind chill here right now. I just put down some newspaper and told the dog to have at it, this one's on me.

Actual is supposed to be -22 with wind chills to -45. This is really a good time for me to give into the advances of one of the 40-something women I get here now and again.
