~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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I would have thought yall would be able to detect my sarcasm by now?

I wish we would get a 2' snow dump cause I shall be taking a snow day!

Maybe Boulder gets more snow or people here like to spend money, but id say over half the cars parked around our building have snow studs in them

Yeah, when it does snow the roads can get slick really quickly, so the studded tires come in handy. It's not quite the ice you're used to seeing in the more humid east coast, but it's still pretty slick.

Only really problem with the studded tires is that they really tear up the roads for the other 300+ days out of the year that they're not needed, but the owners insist on continuing their use.

A few of them are ones of people I work with and they said they keep them off during the Spring - Fall. A lot of hassle but I think they live up in the foothills so they probably see more snow than I do.. It has snowed 2 times at my house since I have been here a and 4 times up here in Boulder (nothing heavy)

I am sure it gets old but I would like to see a huge 2' snowfall. We were up in NC at my in laws one time and they got a foot of snow, kids had a blast, made an igloo, mainly I would just like an excuse to sit around and watch movies all day..

I change the tires on my personal vehicles for the winter. The wife's van has Blizzaks, and I have studded tires on mine. Not really that big a deal for me.

I change the tires on my personal vehicles for the winter. The wife's van has Blizzaks, and I have studded tires on mine. Not really that big a deal for me.
My previous car had two sets of tires/rims. 18" wheels with some nice summer tires, and a set of 16" steelies with the all-seasons. Each spring/fall I would swap them out, and "rotate" them so that the treads were matched properly (it was a FWD car, so I put the "better" treads on the fronts when I swapped).

I expect it won't be much longer before the Camaro gets the same treatment. The reason I haven't done it yet is simply because the brakes on the car require at least a 19" rim, and it's impossible to find cheap rims at that size. The summer tires get horrible traction in temps below 40 (some will even come apart if driven in the cold), and the all-season/winter tires give up a lot of traction when it gets over 70 degrees. The tires I have now are good for overall year-round use, but I won't dare take them to the track...

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Yeah, when it does snow the roads can get slick really quickly, so the studded tires come in handy. It's not quite the ice you're used to seeing in the more humid east coast, but it's still pretty slick.

Only really problem with the studded tires is that they really tear up the roads for the other 300+ days out of the year that they're not needed, but the owners insist on continuing their use.
They only let you ruin studs here from Nov to April, but not many people use them. I have a full set of true "snow tires" for my car as opposed to "all-weather". I think it make a big difference.

I used to have a 95 Caprice, rwd, no posi. I ran studs on that and ndver had a problem.

Heavy winds and hail here. Tornado sirens just went off. Heading to the basement.

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super heavey winds and hail here too. The wind was strong enough to rip the cover off the pool twice. the tornado like warning were 20 miles north of us

Well, that was fun. I think the last of the leaves got blown out of the oak trees here though. One more pass with the leaf blower and it's time to start getting ready for snow removal.

Hope everyone managed to stay safe, I've heard there were a lot of tornadoes, mostly in IL. The storm wasn't terrible here, but we've got almost 150,000 customers out of power, almost half of those have been from the winds after the storm. I'd like to help out with storm work, but I'm so far behind with regular work already. If it gets much worse I may not have a choice though.

There was a large house fire near my house--they're still investigating the cause, but the power was out at the time. One of the fire trucks responding got entangled in downed power lines on the way.

We had snow over the weekend, but at my house (6500 feet) and lower, it all melted. Severe clear today, with another storm moving in tomorrow.

Freezing fog this morning at the house. We have a storm moving in, and I hope we get a bunch of snow.

It really doesn't feel like 19°

