Master slacker
Something awesome.
The lyrics are...out at lunch time and my steering wheel was too hot to hold!
too hot to handle,
too cold to hold,
you call the Ghostbusters,
and they're in control.
Close, though.
The lyrics are...out at lunch time and my steering wheel was too hot to hold!
Send some our way, my lawn is crunchy.
**** YOU!SNOW!
That is all.
It also had this interesting little bit of trivia related to the long spell of good weather we have had, which I had not heard of:Tropical cyclone activity is normally reduced in the year that follows El Niño, and 2010 was no exception. The extreme reduction ofthe inactivity, however, was unusual, and follows a string of recent years (e.g., 2007 and 2008) with low activity. A recent posting
(October 10, 2010) by Ryan Maue ( details the unusual lack of global TC activity:
“Update: Current Year-to-Date [10 October 2010] analysis of Northern Hemisphere and Global Tropical Cyclone Accumulated Cyclone
Energy (ACE) and Power Dissipation Index (PDI) has fallen even further than during the previous 3-years. The global activity is
at 33-year lows and at a historical record low where Typhoons form in the Western Pacific. …
While the North Atlantic has seen 15 tropical storms/hurricanes of various intensity, the Pacific basin as a whole is at historical lows!
In the Western North Pacific stretching from Guam to Japan and the Philippines and China, the current ACE value of 58 is the lowest
seen since reliable records became available (1945) and is 78% below normal. The next lowest was an ACE of 78 in 1998.”
On Guam, there have been twodeaths this year from trees falling on people during fair
weather. This is a sad irony, as during the active tropical
cyclone seasons of the 1990s and early 2000s, there were
no deaths on Guam attributed to falling trees or other wind
-blown debris.