~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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I worked with our "Dam" guy alot at my County job, seems like every developer wanted the County to take over the dams, but they just wanted out of the liability - we wouldn't take over the dam unless the owner paid some money to be set aside for maintenance or set up a bond to cover all the future maintenance headaches.

I think future dams / lakes required stricter agreements between the land owners adjacent to the lake, the actual dam owner, etc - but it was a pain.

First its cloudy/cool.  Then it rains, then the sun comes out and it feels like @Master slacker's backyard, then the cycle repeats itself.  I sweat to death after about 30 seconds outside, and I'm pretty sure it'll be winter before I get to redo the deck.

HFS...there is a major storm heading this way...I can feel it.  The whole left side of my  face feels like I hit in the eye socket with one of those 16" softballs.  I checked the radar...it is a huge front (reds&yellows) but somehow is predicted to putter out before getting to us.    

Rain possibly today (very dark/overcast), then rain on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and again on Sunday.  I think the bike is going to be parked for a while.

Beautiful day here, 74.   Would be easy to take the rest of the day and go biking. 

82 and climbing, but just might go on a ride later since the cloud cover isn't going anywhere.  

its been hot as Fuc* here lately - supposed to be cooler this week (low 80's) - Got some serious hail Saturday -

If anyone is feeling the heatwave of this early summer, here is a pic of a frozen lake my daughter sent me that they hiked to today...

(I was at work) :(


It's been raining here for what seems like a month. I also had to wear a light jacket when I went on a walk with the Mrs. yesterday, which I would have never thought I would have to do in mid-June.

it has been threatening rain the last week and half.  We were supposed to have gotten to huge storms fronts, they both shifted or petered out before reaching us.  I have been utterly miserable the last week or so because the pressure front still reaches us but there is no relief because the storm never hits.  

Normally the winds around here move northeast, so as long as we're clear southwest/west, we avoid it all.  This massive system coming up from FL seems to hit the coast of the Carolinas and start swirling, so we've been getting hit with stuff coming from the north/northeast which is bizarre.  

Saharan dust is no joke.  The air has a flavor...dirt road.
I started feeling lousy/congested when it first got here.  Was dark out like it was going to storm, but never did.  I'm hoping my sinuses/ears drain on their own and don't turn into an infection, everything was super irritated from it.
