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Our neighbor returned her snowblower last week because she thought she wouldn't need it anymore. She's getting relocated to Tennessee within a few weeks, so she started dumping a lot of her winter stuff with her pending move.

If I can get something in the $300 range on Spring clearance I may do it, but for 600 bucks my kids can continue to do it for a couple of years

We average only 3-4 days a year where you truly need a snowblower. Yesterday was one of them.  Most of the time it's only a dusting that's gone before you get home from work or can be cleared in only 15-20 minutes.

I'm telling you guys, for ~$750 you can get a decent sized two-stage machine at the big box stores (on sale from ~$1000+)  IMHO should be a minimum of 8hp with a 26 in. clearing width.  Same maintenace as a lawn mower i.e. drain the ags at the end of the season and change the oil once a year.  It'll last you for 1-15 years easily.  All you have to do is use it once and you'll curse shoveling forever.  Store it inside the garage or shed.  fck shoveling.

I think I used mine once this year but last year it got used a LOT.  I got my first snowblower free (it was a really old one (easily 20 years+) that my in-laws took when they cleaned out a relatives estate and FIL never used it).   I got it running and after ~5 years it was done. I immediately bought a replacement becasue I was sold.

RG:  I'm baffled why your neighbors would use a machine on their driveway but shoveled the street.  Sounds pretty foolish.

IDK , driveways were around 2 feet, but due to wind blown snow, streets were 3-4' in places, I was wondering if the blowers would not do that amount?  I don't really know much about them. its all good though, exercise is not a bad thing..

I've got the cheap stock bumper on the jeep at the moment, but hopefully will upgrade before next winter, the aftermarket ones (steel) I could bolt 2 sheets of 3/4" plywood on the front and rig up a cheap plow to do the cul de sac next time.

I'm glad i keep food at my desk.  The storm hanging over us right now is massive down pour and thunder that shakes the entire building.  Otherwise i would have had to venture out again in the rain to get lunch  

too funny.  local newspaper website is reporting power outages a couple blocks from work, which coincided with the time that the power flickered and surged here.  darn, would have been great to have been included in the power outage, then we could have gone home with pay.

yeah.  It's pretty ridiculous.  Supposed to be pushing 50 on thursday.
