~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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According to the last news report I saw, we got just over 13" of snow over the weekend.  Temps hovered around 32* all weekend, so it turned into a slushy mess pretty quickly.  It's supposed to rain tonight/tomorrow, but back up to 60's by Wednesday.

Warmer than it has been this morning, so I suspect another mid-high 80's day today.

I am ready for some top down / doors off weather to be honest.

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true that!  We were supposed to get snow but mostly rain, easier to go out and do stuff in the snow.....

You can take the kids to jump in puddles. My daughter loved doing that.

Was thinking more like making a fort and hiding out from the kids...


why does it have to rain on the weekend?!!  Going to be stuck indoors all day saturday...blah
Was supposed to rain all day yesterday, but moved through and was sunny by noon. We packed up a cooler and drove down to the beach, spur of the moment. Figured anything else would be too wet.

We were supposed to go today with some friends, but looks like we may be rained out. I think they may be mad that we went yesterday and didn't tell/invite them.

I really hate this SETexas weather! Skipped the beach yesterday and headed to the lake. Was supposed to rain at beach, didn't rain at beach. Ended up driving an hour to lake, just to turn around and go home. We salvaged what time we had left to bbq in the backyard. 2 hour trip, and dissapinted kids...all because of friggin weather forecasts that don't hold up.

Brutal storm last night.  Ended up losing power around 7:30, and then again at some point during the night.  Took out a bunch of light bulbs in the process.

Hey, don't blame me, your MS in Power is newer than mine!
Indeed.  Although I do not work in the protection field for a utility. :thumbs:

Was pretty cool seeing campus for the first time.  There were still traces of snow in various shaded areas.  Tried stopping in to see Mork so I could give him a piece of my mind but he wasn't there. :rolleyes:
