~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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I'll jinx our snow event by saying that were supposed to get 12" to 17" Sunday and Monday... will try and enjoy the 60 degree day today and Saturday!

How difficult can it be when they seem to be wrong more often than not?

maybe my jinx worked, its been snowing for 24 hours (lightly) but not sticking to the roads at all... It was odd I woke up preparing to see the worst on the interstates and it was a speed limit drive to work..(maybe everyone else stayed home today)

Wicked fog here early this morning.  Couldn't see my car from my front door.

Over three feet (!) at the resorts in the last 2.5 days. My wife (a teacher) and mini-Buff1 are hitting the slopes today, on their second snow day in a row, after zero snow days last year.

The Wife and I are going to head up tomorrow also, my kids are out of school today but more than likely will have to go tomorrow, they're not real happy that mom and dad are playing hooky without them

We did end up getting about 12 inches at our house, they never plow our subdivision roads but everything outside the subdivision is pretty well plowed already.

I didn't wear a jacket this morning, but now it's overcast and the temperature seems to be headed the wrong direction :(

school is closed but for the most part not really, by this time of winter the plow trucks usually have what they are doing down to a science.  We had 12 inches a few months back and the plowing was not very "squared away". I worked from home until 9 and then drove to a field office, the interstates were F'd as usual but the major side roads were all plowed,, I did have to put the jeep in 4WD to get out of the dunkin donuts driveway that hadn't been plowed yet

Hoping the wife doesn't back out of skiing tomorrow! most all the resorts have around 2 FT or more of new snow..
