~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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Well it's still freakin cold here on the east coast. Snowing now but we won't get much. I understand we won't see 50 for another week or so. This winter sucked.
It really did. Not going outside. Movies, beer and basketball all day.

55 hear today and overcast. Doesn't feel that cool, though.

High of 76 tomorrow and there is now a fee set in place for any restaurant that provides water without the customer asking for it first. Damn you, drought!

Weird weather in the tropical Pacific. There is a major typhoon (aka hurricane) passing south of Guam today, and it's the third in a month, with another one forming up. In case you don't know (or care), typhoon season in the north Pacific is the same as it is in the eastern US - August through November. Yet, we are having a March typhoon season this year.

Very strange.


Super typhoon Maysak is now a full category 5, forecast to peak with maximum sustained winds of 180 mph tonight, and gusts to considerably higher. The Washington post has a good article highlighting how unusual this early typhoon season is:


By becoming so strong so early in the typhoon season, Maysak has set several historical milestones. In records dating back to 1945 (via Jeff Masters at Wunderground, and Weather.com):

  • It is only the third known super typhoon with winds this strong prior to April 1
  • It is the first time there have been two major typhoons (category 3 or higher) during the first three months of the year
  • It is only the fifth super typhoon to develop prior to April 1 (the last super typhoon prior to April was Mitag in March 2002)
  • Maysak is the third typhoon this year, the most so early in the year
  • Maysak is fourth named storm in the western Pacific in 2015; only one other year has had more, 1965 when there were 5.
70's all weekend through today. 3-5" of snow expected over the next two days. 70's by Monday.

^ is this something that will directly impact you? (not exactly sure where you are located...) If does, I wish you the best of luck and stay safe!!!
No. Fortunately, this storm passed about 350 miles south of us or so.

This time.

I'm hoping the mountains get at least a footthis week

Sunday will probably be our last ski day of the season. That will make 21 days this season.

Holy monsoon style thunderstorms this morning. Was coming down so hard that I could barely go above 40mph on the freeway. I could see some of the sewer drains also not being able to keep up with the run-off. Where's a storm water engineer when you need one?! :dunno:

Holy monsoon style thunderstorms this morning. Was coming down so hard that I could barely go above 40mph on the freeway. I could see some of the sewer drains also not being able to keep up with the run-off. Where's the a storm water engineer when you need him one?! :dunno:
Fixed. There is only one, and he is in Florida.

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Went to the Yankees/Jays game yesterday with my wife. Great seats - crappy weather. Ended up shelling out for a blanket because my wife was cold. All in all, not one of the better first games of the season (for me) that I've been to.

Then again the A-Rod booing by Yankee fans warmed my heart.

Went to the Yankees/Jays game yesterday with my wife. Great seats - crappy weather. Ended up shelling out for a blanket because my wife was cold. All in all, not one of the better first games of the season (for me) that I've been to.

Then again the A-Rod booing by Yankee fans warmed my heart.
Any Yankees being booed warms my heart.

Went to the Yankees/Jays game yesterday with my wife. Great seats - crappy weather. Ended up shelling out for a blanket because my wife was cold. All in all, not one of the better first games of the season (for me) that I've been to.

Then again the A-Rod booing by Yankee fans warmed my heart.
Any Yankees being booed warms my heart.
Went to the Yankees/Jays game yesterday with my wife. Great seats - crappy weather. Ended up shelling out for a blanket because my wife was cold. All in all, not one of the better first games of the season (for me) that I've been to.

Then again the A-Rod booing by Yankee fans warmed my heart.
Any Yankees being booed warms my heart.
Getting my broom ready for tonight's game. Go Sox.
