~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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My pants are soaked from the walk to work. I chastised myself on the way in, because I should know better than to think snow in April is just snow. It's super-saturated water snow balloons.

It was a bear getting up here but these are my kind of crowds....


Where is that? Winter park?

Love the weather forecast screen - classic Colorado. Everything except a sandstorm.

Stopped raining, but still too wet to do anything outside. My grass will be waist high by the time next weekend rolls around.

Friggin people...who never lived along the gulf coast and are freaking out over, let's call it, unorganized tropical weather.

I'm doing my bit to break the drought in Colorado.

0% chance of rain this morning, printed my tickets for film on the rocks and ... it's raining!

We're stuck in the 50s for a couple of days. We had a beautiful weekend then rain and cold today

Stay safe, ET. My friends in Houston were posting pictures of the barren store shelves on Facebook late last night.

Was already hot/muggy on the way in this morning at 5:45, going to really suck walking to lunch later.
