~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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I like to call it humanized fiction.

It's the story of how humans have decided the the planet operates on man's timeline, not millions of years. But hey, if it is cold today, it must always be cold

Most of February was really nice here in Colorado I even had several days I was in shorts and flip-flops

Of course over 1 billion years ago Colorado used to be an ocean so you have to take that into account;)

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keep me updated, I'm trying to decide if I should head up that way this weekend or stay home.

I'm sure it's not going to be all that bad. The heaviest accumulations are 4-6 inches through northwestern NJ. As for Update NY, I have no clue


Currently looking at 6 feet of snow but it's nice and 65° here

Heading out to play the first softball game of the spring season and I'm wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

Just saw on the weather channel that this was the warmest winter on record. Does that make you feel better?


I believe it. It was certainly a hell of a lot warmer than last year. People have very short term memories. I remember last year being absolutely frigid for long stretches of time. I think we probably had more snow this year, but it was in a few short but very strong storms. Last year, we got a few inches at a time but it never melted because it was too effin' cold.

Well it's still freakin cold here on the east coast. Snowing now but we won't get much. I understand we won't see 50 for another week or so. This winter sucked.
