~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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They called for 6 inches of snow.

Late yesterday, they upgraded to 8 inches of snow.

Know what we had? Maybe 1/2" of patchy snow on the grass, and not a drop on the streets/sidewalks as of 5:15 this morning.

You had Native American snow?

Go ahead...say it out loud: Patchy Snow

Our forcasted 6"-8" of snow just turned into maybe 3" on the ground now.

With temps in the 40's next week, I am not even going to shovel it.

Was in the 60's yesterday, but wet and back in the low 40's today.

Snowing here too. Good news is it's supposed to get back up to the 40's by this weekend.

snow today/tonight. rain and the 40s tomorrow. snow thursday. mid 20s on Friday. 40's through the weekend. It's like a weather roller coaster.

38 deg out this morning? No problem, I'll drive to work without a jacket and I'll run the AC. I was sweating from pushing slush around the driveway.

38 deg out this morning? No problem, I'll drive to work without a jacket and I'll run the AC. I was sweating from pushing slush around the driveway.
this. I gave up on the slush though. I just decided to wait for whatever rain to happen during the day, and then deal with it afterwards. And if it freezes, oh well.

38 deg out this morning? No problem, I'll drive to work without a jacket and I'll run the AC. I was sweating from pushing slush around the driveway.
this. I gave up on the slush though. I just decided to wait for whatever rain to happen during the day, and then deal with it afterwards. And if it freezes, oh well.
I'm with you on the slush. We're on the downside now and (God I hope I'm right) this arctic air BS is done for this season.

There was a house roof collapse in Holbrook, MA this morning. Small ranch style house. There must have been some underlying factors as I wouldn't have expected a small structure like this to give way. I wonder if drifts in the valleys of the gable over the bow window were the driving factor.


wow! I agree, that is a little shocking. It doesn't look like a very large roof area

38 deg out this morning? No problem, I'll drive to work without a jacket and I'll run the AC. I was sweating from pushing slush around the driveway.
this. I gave up on the slush though. I just decided to wait for whatever rain to happen during the day, and then deal with it afterwards. And if it freezes, oh well.
I'm with you on the slush. We're on the downside now and (God I hope I'm right) this arctic air BS is done for this season.

There was a house roof collapse in Holbrook, MA this morning. Small ranch style house. There must have been some underlying factors as I wouldn't have expected a small structure like this to give way. I wonder if drifts in the valleys of the gable over the bow window were the driving factor.

termites and/or years of water leaks and rotted wood could make this possible.
