~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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-11 right now.


The indicator in the car was reading -13 for most of the drive to work. It went up to -11 about a mile from the parking lot. Pretty bad when -11 sparks the thought: "Well, that's an improvement.". It was a long damn walk in to the office today.

-10 over by the big pond. :(

I recall working with the field crew over at the Exelon plants and finding out they couldn't even get there because the diesel lines were freezing up. LOL

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Supposed to be 50's and 60's today and tomorrow, then up to a foot of snow over the weekend.

Supposed to hit record low in NC tonight. Single digits, with previous low being 13°F back in 1890-something.

Supposed to hit record low in NC tonight. Single digits, with previous low being 13°F back in 1890-something.
You want a cookie for that?

Nope. I want a space heater and/or a ticket to the Bahamas.

And don't forget, I spent most of my life living in New England or the midwest...

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They did have a two hour delay this morning, which I thought was total BS. There wasn't so much as a spec of ice left on the roads. They cancelled yesterday, and even that was asinine.

I will say that Junior was all excited to have the days off, until I told her, "you know, that just means you get fewer days off for your spring vacation," at which point she was royally pissed.

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Dead middle of the night, it's -3 with wc of -18. And that false alarm fire call felt every bit of that temp

99.99% of the calls are always false alarms. You might get called to a broken sprinkler system pipe though. They make messes in banks.

Yeah, majority of the calls have been smells and bells calls. I was more acknowledging the God awful temperature at the time of the call.

Just how cold is it in North Carolina? Why, it's GHOST JEEP COLD!


Some of the ski resorts are expected to get up to 2 feet of snow over the weekend.

I'm going to see how the road report looks tonight but my older son and I are giving strong consideration to throwing our -20° sleeping bags in the car driving up tonight and spending the night in the car so we can get in on some of that powder action

I always did the opposite. Head up there about noon, stay until they kicked us off the hill then grabbed dinner in town before heading back.
