~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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I'm with The Wizard, send us your snow! While it's snowmageddon over on the east coast, the west coast is having unseasonably warm weather.

Another foot of snow this weekend. Getting close to the point where I'll need to shovel the snow banks into the yard so that the snow blower can reach over them.

The below zero temps are killing me. I'm gonna start bringing my car batteries inside so I know they will start

My snow blower arrives tomorrow. I guess I get to use it right away.

Normally I love cold weather but it's freaking -14°F this morning. Next week can't come fast enough (Florida vacation).

I ran my car every couple of hours overnight, just to make sure it would start this morning. I need to stop this $h!t and just buy a new battery

gonna be very cold this weekend (like -5 cold Sunday morning) with more snow.

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i know. This better be the friggin end of it otherwise I may look like this soon:
