The Running Thread

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Thinking about entering a 5K, but I usually don't do 5Ks because (A) they're too short. I like races with distances and (B) I'm not super fast at the moment since I haven't been running much.  Which is FINE but I'm dumb and competitive and would want to run the 5K fast, even though I am not in the running shape to do so.

That being said, it would be through an apple orchard and would be really pretty...

Thinking about entering a 5K, but I usually don't do 5Ks because (A) they're too short. I like races with distances and (B) I'm not super fast at the moment since I haven't been running much.  Which is FINE but I'm dumb and competitive and would want to run the 5K fast, even though I am not in the running shape to do so.

That being said, it would be through an apple orchard and would be really pretty...
Please let me come and eat apples while you look super fit.  I always think about running but even a 5k makes me scared.

Please let me come and eat apples while you look super fit.  I always think about running but even a 5k makes me scared.
It's this Sunday! And you can get a caramel apple or cider slushie when you finish. Mmmm.

It's a beautiful orchard, but I hated parking there last time we went to a festival there.  We had to park in between apple trees, which was pretty funny, but I generally hate parking on grass.  I'm scarred from my field work days when I would get stuck in mud. 

It's this Sunday! And you can get a caramel apple or cider slushie when you finish. Mmmm.

It's a beautiful orchard, but I hated parking there last time we went to a festival there.  We had to park in between apple trees, which was pretty funny, but I generally hate parking on grass.  I'm scarred from my field work days when I would get stuck in mud. 
Awwwwwww, I can't do it this weekend!  Going to a wedding in Albany, so I'll be gone until late this Sunday.  Please have a slushie for me (and let me know the orchard, since I've been dying for an apple cider doughnut).

As for getting stuck in mud...This is a constant fear of mine since I worked in the field, and worked on farms, where the ground is super aerated...And JK does not have a tractor to make travel easier.

Awwwwwww, I can't do it this weekend!  Going to a wedding in Albany, so I'll be gone until late this Sunday.  Please have a slushie for me (and let me know the orchard, since I've been dying for an apple cider doughnut).

As for getting stuck in mud...This is a constant fear of mine since I worked in the field, and worked on farms, where the ground is super aerated...And JK does not have a tractor to make travel easier.
Aww yeah I just remembered you had that wedding after my post.  I'll text you the name of the orchard.  It's 15 min away from my house, they have delicious apple treats and it's soooo yummy.

Ok it's not just me then! Hahahaha!  Yeah the main site I worked on was a huge open parcel.  So definitely got stuck on that, and the parcel next door, which was a cotton gin.  Good tiiiiiimes. 

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I got the Garmin Fenix watch a couple years ago and although its pricey I have really enjoyed it, running, hiking, biking, etc it does so much- The newer one also stores music -

I got mine when REI has there 20% of sales (Fall / Spring) I know it was like $400+ bucks but Its been great - it even allows you to store wayfinding points pretty easily (while hiking or back country skiing) -

Ive set a goal to do this next summer - anyone wants to do it with me you can crash at my house !
Are we talking full or heavy half? 

I'm a Garmin 935 person and I love it. Love it. 

@csb I wish I had gone with the 935. It's almost identical to the Fenix 5 in most features. Plus it actually charges on an external bank reliably unlike the Fenix. 

All things that went into my decision- plus it was cheaper than the Fenix. 
I didn't know at the time it wouldn't reliably charge on a bank. Since they taut it as "charge on the go!" -____-

I picked Fenix over 935 purely on aesthetics - the Fenix looked better. In retrospect, I'm an idiot. 

if you bought It at REI (or similar retailer) I and its less than a year old I would take it back - that doesn't seem right? But I go so long without having to charge it I haven't run into the issue, even on a long camping trip that involved a 8 hour 14er hike I didn't have to charge it - but it seems odd that it wouldn't charge on an external- But I think one of those cheap external battery backups fried my go pro last ski season (maybe that and the -10 degree weather)

CSB -  I plan to do the full - and I am told that most of this is really just "aggressive hiking" ~ whatever that means...

I was looking into the MTB 100 but then I learned they average like 1 death a year :(  

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Stopped at Best Buy on the way home. I’ve gotta admit, I liked the Vivoactive 3 more than I thought I would and it comes in a music version now. Something else I discovered, previously I had been thinking that the Apple Watch 3 would be fine, but when you look at them all side by side, the 4/5 really is a lot nicer than the 3. One more thing to take into account, the higher cost of an AW 4 or 5.

There were a couple GPS watches with music, but it looks like it’d come down to the Garmin or the Apple. First thing is to see if I’m going to stick with it, then the decision may just be a matter of what kind of deal I can get on either one.


I have never had an Apple watch, but have heard stories of it having trouble GPS tracking distances, whereas I've never really heard of Garmin having that trouble. I mean, they shouldn't, right? Didn't Garmin first start with car GPSes?

I have tried to point out to the coach at the gym when we have to run that his 2 mile run mark is actually 2.2 on the Garmin - but not such luck in getting that turnaround mark moved :(

I'd say Garmin too. I have the non music Vivoactive 3. I've had it for over a year and I like it a lot.

@jeb6294 check out DCrainmaker for some wicked in depth reviews about all of the watches you're considering. He also has a comparison chart so you can select which things to compare across brands.

You're an electrical engineer! You should have totally chosen charging over looks! ;)
i know! but in my defense, i didn't read anywhere that anyone had issues with portable charging. Small banks work fine, it's the bigger banks that I take for backpacking that are the issue - I have to charge both my phone and my watch to get my watch to charge. But I don't want to carry a second smaller bank because of the unnecessary extra weight. So I basically just ended up charging my watch and my phone or my watch and my best friends phone lol 

I have the Garmin Forerunner 245 Music. I love not having to carry my phone with me now when I go running, and it has all the features I'd like to have from a smart watch standpoint as well. Plus, you don't have to charge it everyday like the Apple Watch.

I prob can get 2 days on the Apple Watch but not three.  Started using the music feature on a run last night.   Kind of wished that the music interface got priority over the gps.  Maybe there’s a way?

check out DCrainmaker
You beat me to it...I was going to mention him in reference to some of the comments about the Apple's GPS accuracy.  He did some side-by-side comparisons and it sounds like the Apple's GPS may actually be better than Garmin's, but that Apples mapping screws stuff up by cutting corners too much to smooth things out.   Not sure if a 3rd party app like Strava or Nike+ would fix that.

You beat me to it...I was going to mention him in reference to some of the comments about the Apple's GPS accuracy.  He did some side-by-side comparisons and it sounds like the Apple's GPS may actually be better than Garmin's, but that Apples mapping screws stuff up by cutting corners too much to smooth things out.   Not sure if a 3rd party app like Strava or Nike+ would fix that.
I don't know if you plan on using it for hiking but I know folks have issues with the hiking app re: accuracy and battery life. 


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