The Running Thread

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Okay, after a ten mile run on Sunday, and bike commuting the past two days with the westerly wind having returned, my legs felt like lead on my short run last night. But they feel much better today! Good thing, as I have my last truly challenging training run tonight. 8 miles with 6 at HMP (half marathon pace). My half (which I'm not counting on running in under 1:45 at this point) is a week from Sunday, so next week, I get to taper!

Half marathon done! I didn't break 1:45, but went into it knowing that probably  wasn't going to happen.

Either way, I'm glad I did that race. It was a great course, and fun!

Woohooooo Desiree Lindon! And nicely done to the men's champion, Yuki Kawauchi!

First American women's win since 1985, and first Japanese men's win since 1987. So that's pretty neat!

I've really enjoyed Desi as a racer for awhile now. She's been largely in the background, because she's not part of the Dope Machine Nike Project, but she's a tough runner. You gotta figure she lost in 2011 by 2 seconds. I was so happy to see she won! 

It was frickin' POURING here a few minutes ago.  It's gotta suck to running out there today.

Congrats to Mrs. @akwooly on completing her tough mudder run this past weekend.  Whose job was it to clean out the shower?
mrs wooly is a rock star! something completely out of her comfort zone.  and the poor housekeeping staff at the hotel had to deal with the mud....i am sure they just loved us.

So I'll just put this here for now. In July I'm doing a stair climb in 3 World Trade Center. This particular one is open only to emergency responders, and I'm told that firemen have to wear full gear, including the air pack. 3WTC is 80 stories, so that is the extend of the climb. Curious how I do.
