The Running Thread

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But trail running is super different from road running, and I would not hesitate to say, never faster!

Our trails near the house are very flat and “un trail” like, more like a 12’ wide multi use trail but just not paved, I think one of those scooters people ride in at the grocery store could probably make it :D

Our trails near the house are very flat and “un trail” like, more like a 12’ wide multi use trail but just not paved, I think one of those scooters people ride in at the grocery store could probably make it :D
Oh, I see. Well, trail running is still better for you than road running, so there's that!

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Haven't been running much lately, but I went sea kayaking yesterday! Well, it was in a bay, not exactly open water. It was fun! Makes me interested in sea kayak camping.

Haven't been running much lately, but I went sea kayaking yesterday! Well, it was in a bay, not exactly open water. It was fun! Makes me interested in sea kayak camping.

Did you see any whales?  My wife has a friend that lives in Sacramento that has some footage of a whale surfacing right near her kayak.  Looked really cool!

I've done a little kayak camping here in Michigan on Lake Superior.  It was fun, especially getting to camp in places that people can't walk to.

Did you see any whales?  My wife has a friend that lives in Sacramento that has some footage of a whale surfacing right near her kayak.  Looked really cool!

I've done a little kayak camping here in Michigan on Lake Superior.  It was fun, especially getting to camp in places that people can't walk to.
Nope, we didn't see any whales. I think the water we were in was too far inland (Tomales Bay) and likely shallow for whales to make it there. There have been a bunch of whales off the coast around these parts this summer, though!

We did see what we think was a harbor seal, and a bat ray!

I run a 15K this weekend, which is a first for the distance. 

Before you ask, here's some help:

5K=3.1 miles

10K=6.2 miles

15K=9.3 miles

I feel like I've had to explain that to a lot of people who are familiar with the distance conversion on the first two, yet can't seem to add them together. 

I love the 15k distance! That's probably my favorite distance to run in races, followed closely by half marathons. Similarly, people seem to have trouble realizing that a half marathon is indeed half of a marathon, 26.2 miles / 2 = 13.1 miles. Or maybe they just don't know how long a marathon is in the first place...

Edit: Good luck! Have fun!

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I love the 15k distance! That's probably my favorite distance to run in races, followed closely by half marathons. Similarly, people seem to have trouble realizing that a half marathon is indeed half of a marathon, 26.2 miles / 2 = 13.1 miles. Or maybe they just don't know how long a marathon is in the first place...

Edit: Good luck! Have fun!
I'm a big fan of 5K marathons. 


Definitely shoot for that, and not whatever time @DVINNY's daughter runs.  I always see him posting on Facebook, and given the the set of parents she's inherited her cybernetic DNA from, I can only assume she has Terminator T1000 levels of endurance at Usain Bolt speed levels.

btw.. since were talking 3.1's (I don't do metric system)  I am at my kids HS XC meet and the winning girls time (also from our HS) was .....17:58  if you needed some time to shoot for @NJmike PE ?
That is fast.  Doubt I could break 18:00 anymore.

btw.. since were talking 3.1's (I don't do metric system)  I am at my kids HS XC meet and the winning girls time (also from our HS) was .....17:58  if you needed some time to shoot for @NJmike PE ?
HA!!!! I finished at 35'20". I did finished in the top 10 for my age group though. that said, I did finish right where I expected to for my first run. I was expecting about 36 mins

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I signed up for this Ragnar challenge called the 7 Summits Challenge... The goal is to run/climb a certain elevation every day this week, starting today and ending on Sunday. Today is 320'. Not bad! Gotta get it in after work.

Elevation goal today is only 10' higher (330'), but I plan to get it by running some stairs. (Hopefully) quick and dirty, get it done! It'll be at a public track/stadium that's on my bike commute home. Just gotta run them about 8 or 10 times, is all. :p

Still going strong on my daily elevation challenges! I'm even keeping super honest and not counting any of the elevation I climb from my commute (about 600' +/- round trip). Today is 410', tomorrow is 460', and Sunday tops out at 581'.

Legs were rather fatigued in yesterday's run, so I took it slowly. I'm thinking I'll do stair repeats today, stairs up a hill tomorrow, and a longer run with a few hills in it on Sunday.

I'm going to try and make it a regularity to run 3 mi every weekend, in addition to my regular weekly workouts

@NJmike PE yes! Routine is key. I have been in a really weird running routine recently, so I'm kind of using this week of running every day as a reset and will attempt to insert more regularly scheduled runs back into my life starting next week.
