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Just stay away from the spicy foods mixed with the pints for tonight. Too soon after the virus for that mixture

I'm down for the count here with the flu.

I got violently ill on Friday morning. Thought it was something funny I ate. But almost all weekend I had a headache, nausea, dizziness, weakness, and achiness.

Felt like I was better Sunday afternoon and went out canoeing and swimming but paid for it yesterday. Basically did nothing but slept and threw up all day. I feel horrid today. I want to try to get in and see the doc.

^^^ Sounds terrible, VTE. Hope doc can give you something to help. Take care of yourself.

I feel really weird as well, not just ill. My head spins when I close my eyes, and I have this sensation like the one you get when you are overtired and drink too much caffeine. (I'm neither at this point.)

My head and chest are racing, my chest feels tight, and my skin is crawling. I don't know what it is exactly.

Sounds like you need somebody to drive you to doctor's office.

You're not pregnant, are you?

Not that I know of, but I'm about 15 years late for my period, so maybe.

As for someone driving me, I wish. I was so messed up on Friday that it was a real fight to drive home. Was so dizzy it was hard to concentrate and I had to take 2 puke breaks.

wow 3 days and still feeling f'ked up. That's not good. Sounds like you need to get some antibiotics. Hope you feel better.

I wouldn't blame your wife if she lived at work for the next week or two.

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^ I was thinking that something seemed weird about the way I feel. Most of it is flu-like, but some of it just doesn't quite add-up.

I am feeling really awful. I guess I took too big of a drink of water because it triggered my gag reflex and I threw up almost immediately.

I thought I was feeling better this morning as I got so much rest and felt ok just kinda hanging around. But now that I am at work doing stuff I feel much worse. My head is dizzy and my chest feels tight and I still have a thick cough. I'm generally achey. My skin feels like it's crawling and my head and chest feel like they are racing.

For argument's sake, I thought maybe it's not the flu and let me look up some other ailments with similar symptoms. Not surprisingly, one of them was Lyme Disease. I spend a ton of time in the yard and in the woods at the park with my dog and others, and its very common in the northeast.

A number of the strange non-flu-like symptoms were right there on the list of early Lyme symptoms. I've got a doc appointment tomorrow and will bring it up then so they can test me. I sincerely hope it's not that.

Your symptoms do sound a lot like Lyme disease. I had very similar symptoms late last summer though not quite as bad--dizzy, ringing in the ears, nauseous, difficulty breathing, heart pounding, fatigued and generally crappy feeling. The dizzyness never got so bad that I threw up though. I was thinking Lyme disease at first also, but it normally comes along with a characteristic rash.

After much poking and prodding (and $$$) and the suggestion by the Dr. that I might have a brain tumor (and my ensuing freaking out), it turns out my problem was simply allergies. This time of year is terrible for hay fever. But one treatment with a nasal steroid and most of the symptoms went away--even though I've been taking an oral antihastimine for 25 years.

Though it's possible, I'm not saying you've definitively got allergy issues. My point is your diagnosis may very well be something you were not expecting--and it is much more likely than not that it will be something relatively simple and easily treated. So take it easy and try not to worry too much about it.

Oh, and I hope you feel better soon.

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After much poking and prodding (and $$$) and the suggestion by the Dr. that I might have a brain tumor (and my ensuing freaking out), it turns out my problem was simply allergies. This time of year is terrible for hay fever. But one treatment with a nasal steroid and most of the symptoms went away--even though I've been taking an oral antihastimine for 25 years.
That's exactly what happened to the lady here at work. The drs diagnosis went from lyme disease to grade 4 brain cancer in like 2 weeks. They were able to remove almost 99% of the tumor and she is reacting well to the chemo/radiation, but there is no remission for this type of cancer.

Can we quit the doom and gloom stories here! It's not helping!

it turns out my problem was simply allergies. This time of year is terrible for hay fever. But one treatment with a nasal steroid and most of the symptoms went away--even though I've been taking an oral antihastimine for 25 years.
I've always had asthma/allergies issues to it's quite possible. I'll talk to the doc today and get tested for whatever seems appropriate.

It was rainy as could be in the early part of this summer, so that's likely to make bugs and allergies a problem. Plus the extra time I've spent in the woods this summer leaves me more exposed to both.

I really want to go home and rest but I don't want to be the newbie who's always missing time for some reason or another.

I was sick one day in July, and missed 3 days when my Dad initially went into the hospital. I'm sure they'd be understanding but I don't want them to think I'm not reliable this early in the game.
