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Oh man - I had a nasty 24-hour stomach thing over the weekend. Very Fudgey-like. There was a moment on the toilet that I genuinely feared I was going to pass out. But I pulled through, and now I am fine.
Now I think the kids are getting it .... ughhh.
Glad you're better. Hope the kids aren't sick. Kids with stomach thing is bad.

Hang in there FudgeLeg!

I am amazingly sore today. I played softball all afternoon, not even a real vigorous sport. My hips feel like a fragile old woman's, and my legs feel like a overcooked chicken where the meat is just falling off the bone.

On a related note- how does everyone's sick time work? At my first job, it was combined with vacation so no one took it and we got extra vacation (smart move). At my second job, we got a separate 2 weeks of sick time, and it carried over year to year up to an extra 2 weeks (I think it was 4 weeks total). At this job, we have 2 weeks, but it's generally considered not okay to use it, and it goes away at the end of the year if we don't. Which sucks bc we only get 2 weeks of vacation.

How does everyone else's work? I think I'm getting shafted right now.

I get 2 weeks of sick time per year and 2 weeks of vacation (3 starting next year!!!!!). They are separate and our sick time rolls over year to year and banks up to 4 weeks. However, if you are off for more than 5 days straight, it changes to short term disability.

Our vacation and sick are separate. We earn 1 sick day a month and they can build up with no expiration date. There are people around here will well over 100 sick days...depending on when they were earned they can be worth money if they quit, and all can be applied to advancing your retirement date.

Vacation also builds as you go, how much a month depends on how long you've been around. I get 3 wks a year. Can carry over two years worth of vacation.

we also get 3 personal days, use or lose by 30 Dec each year.

1.25 sick day per month, no limit on carry over.

1.25 annual leave day per month, I think a maximum of 30 days carry over.

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Well, ours has changed twice recently...once with a change in corporate policy, then again when we were sold. It used to be separate vacation and sick time, with unlimited sick time as long as you didn't abuse it (which was never really a problem). Then they changed it to PTO (Paid Time Off). You got your vacation (in my case, 2 weeks) plus 5 days of sick time as PTO. I ended up having about 2.5 weeks of vacation and a couple of sick days, which I loved. Now, they have changed back to the old policy of unlimited sick days separate from vacation. I'm having to be much more judicious with my use of vacation time now.

Dleg = Elvis
Actually, that may be more true than I would like to admit. The fudgisode happened in the wee hours of the morning after a night of pretty heavy drinking and spicy appetizers, for a work party. In fact, I assumed it was just late-night overindulgence syndrome, until I woke up with a fever.

But now I think it was a combo. My kids and wife have all had it now, and it was decidedly less fudgetastic than my experience, so I think the drinkin' caused my troubles. I have decided I'm getting too old for that shit.

Actually, that may be more true than I would like to admit. The fudgisode happened in the wee hours of the morning after a night of pretty heavy drinking and spicy appetizers, for a work party. In fact, I assumed it was just late-night overindulgence syndrome, until I woke up with a fever.
But now I think it was a combo. My kids and wife have all had it now, and it was decidedly less fudgetastic than my experience, so I think the drinkin' caused my troubles. I have decided I'm getting too old for that shit.

k - something must be going around as far as Fudgisode's go... I did NOT do any hard drinking, was running about a 100 deg. fever, and it lasted about 36 hours. My fever is gone, but I feel like I've been hit by a bus.

I wanted to lose weight, just not 6 lbs in 36 hours.

I want to eat, but I'm scared. I've had a banana since this started and it didn't go over so good.

At least Fudgey's stories, you can laugh about.

I want to eat, but I'm scared. I've had a banana since this started and it didn't go over so good.
Start eating things like plain crackers (saltines or captain wafers), Cheerios, plain toast, etc. And liquids like water, 7-UP, ginger-ale, etc. You have to get your digestive system used to food again, and it needs to start with easy stuff.

I want to eat, but I'm scared. I've had a banana since this started and it didn't go over so good.
What you need to do is eat something that will slide right through your intestines. I recommend a hot dog or perhaps some onion rings. That extra grease lubricates your innerds and promotes movement toward the rectal direction.

Forget this cracker nonsense, they're all crunchy and pointy. They'll just hurt on the way down!

i have a nasty sinus infection :-( at least i dont have to call in sick HAHA. :( I've been in bed for 3 days and I can't eat anything that isn't soft. AND I don't feel like drinking beer!

I feel like crap today. I woke up and had a really bad headache and felt nauseous. I have a wetlands meeting at 10 that a bunch of people are coming into the office for so I pretty much had to go in. I think the headache was causing the nausea cause I took some drugs and I'm feeling a bit better since my head doesn't hurt as much. It may be from lack of sleep. When my meeting is over I think I'm going to go home if I still feel bad.

I'm still off today from having my wisdom teeth removed on Friday. If my face wasn't as swollen I might have ventured in today. I hope having them removed helps with the sinuses, since the teeth were sitting right up against the sinus cavities.
