--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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Hang in there. Take some pain reliever, if you haven't already; and get some caffeine in you. Plenty of fluids, too. That will at least be a distraction to your suffering.

Tough call. Like Snick said, do you want to be the newb responsible for infecting the office with the plague?

But I guess with most of the contagious things (like chicken pox, etc.), once the symptoms manifest themselves, the spreading phase is over.

Hope it passes quickly for you.

I just got off the phone with my wife. She made a good point. She said even if you don't get much accomplished because you feel rotten, at least you are physically sitting at your desk making a good show of it, and the day is already half over. You're not vomiting today, you don't have a migraine today. Take meds, drink fluids, do whatever just to make it until 4 o'clock. Then go home and sleep until dinner time. No work around the house, no long dog walk, just resting.

Sounded like good advice to me.

I just got off the phone with my wife. She made a good point. She said even if you don't get much accomplished because you feel rotten, at least you are physically sitting at your desk making a good show of it, and the day is already half over. You're not vomiting today, you don't have a migraine today. Take meds, drink fluids, do whatever just to make it until 4 o'clock. Then go home and sleep until dinner time. No work around the house, no long dog walk, just resting.
Sounded like good advice to me.
You heard...

even if you don't get much accomplished because you feel rotten, at least you are physically sitting at your desk making a good show of it, and the day is already half over. You're not vomiting today, you don't have a migraine today. Take meds, drink fluids, do whatever just to make it until 4 o'clock. Then go home and sleep until dinner time. No work around the house, no long dog walk, just resting.
I heard...

Stay where you're at...I don't wanna catch that shit from you!
I woke up sick this morning and I am making it through the day. My husband is a teacher so since school just started he picked something up from the kids and sure enough has passed it on to me.

I am hoping to make it through one more day tomorrow.

Being married to a teacher you get just as sick as a teacher! :(

^^ You've obviously never spent a lot of time in an ER (which is a good thing). You would be amazed at how many people use the ER as their primary care physician (especially here in TN, where instead of Medicare, we have Tenncare). The vast majority of cases they get are actually general illness, as opposed to true emergency care.

Well the double dose of antibiotics has me feeling much better today. But my dog's eyes are getting irritated again.

He had red puffy eyelids and yellow goop coming out of them. I took him to the vet and got some ointment for him, which cleared it right up. After the prescribed week of use, we stopped. (This was Monday) Last night, they were all red and goopy again. Fuck.

It'll only complement the bird crap. There's big tree in my yard that I'm often forced to park my car under.

I'm fighting some sort of cold/flu/allergy? Feel like crap. Took 1/2 Monday, all day yesterday, don't know if I'll make it through today. Sore throat, lots of coughing, light-headedness. This sucks.

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I've got a lovely nasal drip and just feel like crap. Everyone out on one of our Colorado sites was sick, giving it to one of our managers, who brought it back and gave it to another manager, both of whom passed it on to the rest of us.

Maybe something is going around.
there's alot of stuff going around. Our admin was out for almost a week with cold/flu/congestion stuff. My son came home for the weekend and spent time in the ER getting tested for strep. Negative thank god, but he was definitely a germ carrier. and now I feel like crap. imagine that.
