--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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I'm a little better this morning because I got extra sleep last night. Zicam seems to be keeping it from being worse.

felt pretty good all day yesterday. My voice is getting really raspy. Finally got to bed ~12:30, took some Nyquil and as soon as I lay down the coughing starts. My ribs and back muscles hurt from hacking. Got up late this morning and dragged my ass in the oriface. feel OK but my eyes are really itchy, (rubbing them makes it worse) and I'm light-headed. This sucks.

Hmmm. There are people who use alcohol and drugs to get that feeling. Maybe it's the Nyquil hangover.
Could be. Nyquil is pretty awesome. It's essentially a cold-drug cocktail.

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Day one: I have a cold that just beat the living hell out of Nyquil. It was like, "Come on up in here Nyquil...I got something for your ass." Whomp, whomp, whomp. Ass-whipping.

Maybe Nyquil will fare better in round two tomorrow.

I had a mild cold last week that I thought I had gotten rid of, but NOOOOOOOOO! It has reared its ugly head again and made me miserable. :(

I had the first symptoms of a cold on Sunday, and have been fighting it off since. I've been pounding about 2,00 mg of vitamin C every day, taking ecinachea (sp?), and airborne. Also have been drinking like 6-7 cups of herbal tea. Went to the Dr. yesterday to make sure that I didn't have a sinus infection, and he said it was just a cold. Yea PE Exam on Friday with the remnants of a cold! :mad: :smileyballs:

I had the first symptoms of a cold on Sunday, and have been fighting it off since. I've been pounding about 2,00 mg of vitamin C every day, taking ecinachea (sp?), and airborne. Also have been drinking like 6-7 cups of herbal tea. Went to the Dr. yesterday to make sure that I didn't have a sinus infection, and he said it was just a cold. Yea PE Exam on Friday with the remnants of a cold! :mad: :smileyballs:
Bummer. Think happy thoughts and maybe the mind over matter will win.

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I had been really lucky so far, staying in side as much as possible and the farmers have been done working for the day before I start my drive home, so I thought I was spared the fall allergy attack...but i was wrong <_< . The next few weeks are going to be annoying.

let me tell you, puking in an airplane bathroom takes skill, I have come to find out. Seems like I have 24 hour stomach bug....perfect while traveling.

At least my sinus infection has progressed from head down to chest.

Just got reassigned to our site out in Pueblo, CO. The kicker is, I need to figure out how to take 40 hrs sick leave between now and Dec. 1st! Will be heavily frowned upon to take time off out there (the whole reason I'm going out is b/c they're so far behind schedule and aren't going to make hydro in January), but sick leave doesn't carry over like vacation does :(
