--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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How about sick**2 bastard**3? Does that reduce down to (sick bastard)**6? I think I forgot how to do exponent multiplication.

I would think it would be more of a trignometric function since the Function(bastard) = a periodic maximum on Friday, minimum on Monday.

Right? :)


I'd go with a sawtooth function. Gradually building during the week to maximum "bastard" value on Friday (AM for god's sake), and then a sudden drop to low "bastard" status when the rest of us are free from the confines of toil and can partake in CABs ourselves.

If we're getting into calculus, count me out. Sounds like jr is trying to put an upper and lower limit on the integral.

Something like this MA?


I'd go with a sawtooth function. Gradually building during the week to maximum "bastard" value on Friday (AM for god's sake), and then a sudden drop to low "bastard" status when the rest of us are free from the confines of toil and can partake in CABs ourselves.
I'd have to say that the bastard level is relatively low, but spikes Friday pm, then drops precipitously shortly after 5pm Friday.

Kinda like the hp vs rpm curve for a 70s two stroke motorcycle.


nice job. You really are just biding time until your southern migration aren't you?

Oh man - I had a nasty 24-hour stomach thing over the weekend. Very Fudgey-like. There was a moment on the toilet that I genuinely feared I was going to pass out. But I pulled through, and now I am fine.

Now I think the kids are getting it .... ughhh.
