--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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^ There has been a lot of that going around in these parts this winter. I haven't had the 3 day deathfest this year but there have been 3-4 times where I've had a killer 24 hour bug.

I wish I would have found this magical elixir before today ... it is called Delsym. Good stuff!! It has done an excellent job at suppressing my chest-crushing, wheezy cough. I actually feel like I can breathe ...
delsym rocks for a cough. our pediatrician turned us on to it.

and since it is single symptom, you can take other single symtom stuff in conjunction wit it. for example, after you have had the chest crusher, you take the delsym as a cough suppressant, and take mucinex as an expectorant. so the coughs you do have are productive. I also take napraxin with it, and I get 12 hours relief on all three.

the key is to take single symptom meds. if you take any multisymptom stuff, that is all you can take.

feel better!

This sucks!!! I can feel the post nasal drip running down the back of my throat which is making me cough(a lot), but I don't have the sore throat or nasal congestion. I sound horrible, but I am not a miserable as I sound, which is a good thing, but the coughing is annoying. I usually get full blown runny nose when the PND starts. :-(

I have the flu (or something damn close)... so I took nyquil so I could sleep on Saturday night, which I did... but only too well! Now I have a stiff neck and am in a post-major-cold state of grogginess.

I had a lovely combination of viscious head cold and the trots this weekend. That seems to be going around down here. Almost everyone in the office has succombed to it.

I'm wondering if it is some sort of bio-warfare; I've never heard of those two symptoms teamed together.

Its allergy season in the Bluegrass! Now that its warming up (Highs in the 60's) my nose feels like someone is starting to poor quikcrete up both nostrils.

Plus I took an elbow to my right eye last night playing basketball and am sporting a rather impressive blackeye.

I was sick as a dog last week. Had a bad chest cold that got into my lungs and settled in. I've been wheezing and hacking up phlegm for days. Went to the doc on Thursday, but the meds he gave me aren't doing anything. He said to call back on Monday if I wasn't feeling any better, which I am about to do.

The other thing is that I had company from out of town this weekend. Meaning I had to entertain them instead of getting the rest I needed. I feel so rotten today.

I am exhausted from coughing most of the weekend... plus add in the stiff neck and the general feeling like crap thing... this makes for a great presentation I have to do tomorrow of a cost model I pulled together friday while sick as a dog.

This is going to go well, don't you think???

I had a lovely combination of viscious head cold and the trots this weekend. That seems to be going around down here. Almost everyone in the office has succombed to it.
I'm wondering if it is some sort of bio-warfare; I've never heard of those two symptoms teamed together.
Hey, my daughter has something like that. I had to bring her home this afternoon. She has a high fever, serious running nose, and bad gas.

My husband has had a bad cough for 2 weeks now. Sounds like what you have VT. I really hope I don't get it!!

Hey, my daughter has something like that. I had to bring her home this afternoon. She has a high fever, serious running nose, and bad gas. My husband has had a bad cough for 2 weeks now. Sounds like what you have VT. I really hope I don't get it!!
sounds inevitable unless you move out, but I hope you stay healthy and avoid it.

Hey, my daughter has something like that. I had to bring her home this afternoon. She has a high fever, serious running nose, and bad gas. My husband has had a bad cough for 2 weeks now. Sounds like what you have VT. I really hope I don't get it!!
I've had an awful cough for a week now. That combined with the asthma has been tough. I went back to the doc last night for another round of fun with a neubulizer and some more antibiotics.

I had gas too but I think that was lunch related. Ate lunch at the Thai place yesterday. I smelled like putrifying lemongrass all evening. :true:

^ thanks for sharing. :D

My poor daughter is just miserable. I have an appointment to see the doctor this afternoon, but I know they're just going to say it's a cold and there's nothing to do for it. I think I'll probably be home with her again tomorrow.

^ thanks for sharing. :D
My poor daughter is just miserable. I have an appointment to see the doctor this afternoon, but I know they're just going to say it's a cold and there's nothing to do for it. I think I'll probably be home with her again tomorrow.
I think it's pretty weak using your daughter as an excuse to stay home from work and spam your way to competeing with "Mr. 5000"

I think I'd have to take the next month off "sick" to compete with Mr. 5000!! :D

Well I did take her to the doctors and she has croup, which from what I gather is just a virus that lands in the throat and can be dangerous for babies who have little throats. Poor kid, but it's nice to have such a snuggly baby.

I think I'd have to take the next month off "sick" to compete with Mr. 5000!! :D
OK - It's on like Donkey Kong !! :thumbs:

Well I did take her to the doctors and she has croup, which from what I gather is just a virus that lands in the throat and can be dangerous for babies who have little throats. Poor kid, but it's nice to have such a snuggly baby.
I have heard of croup (cough) but I don't think I have ever known anyone to develop it.

I hope she feels better very soon (even if you are enjoying the momentary snuggle action) :)


Well I did take her to the doctors and she has croup, which from what I gather is just a virus that lands in the throat and can be dangerous for babies who have little throats. Poor kid, but it's nice to have such a snuggly baby.
Hey, Fraz, my daughter had croup once. The doctor told me that if she couldn't get her breath (if she was gasping) to take her outside in the cold for a few minutes. Breathing cold air will open up her throat and make breathing easier. Hope she gets well quick.

I miss snuggly babies. :)
