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Now we have oral antibiotics for a kid who can't keep water down.
Unless it says not to, keep the medicine as cold as you can without freezing it. When you can't keep anything down, very cold stuff is best to try (like ice chips or non-creamy popsicle). Good luck.

Well I think the reason the squirts got all over the place was because the person holding the pig freaked out and started swinging it around to avoid getting splattered. Like twirling around a garden hose.
That's awesome!

Is this where I post if I'm still hung over from yesterday or does that go in the drunk tank?

That's awesome!
Is this where I post if I'm still hung over from yesterday or does that go in the drunk tank?
Yes. Big night last night?

Edit: Actually, farther down the thread list is the hangover clinic.

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That's awesome!
Is this where I post if I'm still hung over from yesterday or does that go in the drunk tank?
If you are still drunk from yesterday post in the drunk tank!

If you are ever in Jersey, I will treat my long lost twin sister to $2 pints!

Well I think the reason the squirts got all over the place was because the person holding the pig freaked out and started swinging it around to avoid getting splattered. Like twirling around a garden hose.
Candidate for EB art museum!

^^Wow! Another excuse to delay the start of my daily tasks!

My son is sick today, and it's to that point now (day 3) where I need to take him in and make sure it's not strep or an ear infection. The only problem is my car is going in for servicing, so we can't take him until late afternoon.

Oh joy, the children's clinic on a late payday Friday... we probably won't get out of there until Sunday, and the Doctor will probably just look him over and say "he has virus. Take him home and give him fluids."

blech...I'm home today with a totally clogged up head, running nose, watery eyes and sore throat. Whatever shut down the daycare last week came home with my kids so they were sick all weekend and then hit me yesterday.

I did get a good nights sleep last night so I thought about going to work, but I didn't want to be one of those annoying co-workers that coughs and sneezes all over the place infecting everyone. So I'm home working instead. I think I'll take a break later and go vote and pick up some ice cream (that always helps :) ).

blech...I'm home today with a totally clogged up head
I've had my head get so clogged up I almost feel drunkenly dizzy. Feel better.

I think I'll take a break later and go vote and pick up some ice cream.
I did that earlier today and I voted for Cookies & Cream. I just don't think Cherry Vanilla was doing a good job anymore.

I read somewhere that scotch and ramen noodles helps to clean out the system.

thanks for the tip MA. I'll let you know how that works out. <_<


what's the idea...wasting a sick day at home being sick? You should save those for going sledding with the kids.

I think you should haul yourself down to the office and make everyone there as miserable as you are now.

It's only fair that you give it back to the world. No doubt one of those bastards gave it to thier kid who they then thrust into daycare with your kids who then got it, brought it home and gave it to you.

Hope you feel better soon.

My tummy isn't so happy today. I don’t know of anything anything funky I ate but I sampled a lot of stuff just sitting out at this country store, ate lunch out, and had dinner at a friend's.

It feels like it’s churning and gurgling. Not quite nauseous but a little queasy. And I'm really tired. Also, I’ve got a good old fashioned case of a couple things nobody wants to know about.

My tummy isn't so happy today. I don’t know of anything anything funky I ate but I sampled a lot of stuff just sitting out at this country store, ate lunch out, and had dinner at a friend's.
It feels like it’s churning and gurgling. Not quite nauseous but a little queasy. And I'm really tired. Also, I’ve got a good old fashioned case of a couple things nobody wants to know about.
For a moment I thought this was a Fudgey's post.

Tried a ham and roasted pineapple frozen pizza last night. Not so good to me. I should have stopped after the second piece, but I was hungery. I was tasting it all night...didn't taste and better time the second time either. Cheap hotdogs do the same thing. At least I was better this morning
