--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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Well maybe I didnt have the flu after all. Yesterday I was deathly sick with all the classic flu symptoms. Today Im just a little stuffy. I was so mad that I was going to be sick on the long weekend before I started a new job. Hopefully by tuesday it will be all cleared up.

I just got nailed by the nastiest tummy bug in town.

I felt absolutely fine until about 7 PM last night. I started to feel a little off, so I lied down for a bit. Woke up at 9 and began the pukefest. Went back to sleep until 6 AM this morning, began puking again. My head feels like its as big as a watermelon.

This is just what my wife had a couple weeks back. Totally normal, downhill in a hour, 18 hours of total abdominal distress, then gone as soon as it came on.

I just got nailed by the nastiest tummy bug in town.
I felt absolutely fine until about 7 PM last night. I started to feel a little off, so I lied down for a bit. Woke up at 9 and began the pukefest. Went back to sleep until 6 AM this morning, began puking again. My head feels like its as big as a watermelon.

This is just what my wife had a couple weeks back. Totally normal, downhill in a hour, 18 hours of total abdominal distress, then gone as soon as it came on.
Sorry to read that VT. I am sure you will have a Fudgey-like story from all this.

Fudgemaster....you have competition

Sadly, nothing is reaching the back end of the GI tract. Everything is being marked 'return to sender' before it can be sorted and processed.

Storywise, this is going to be more of a tale Ralph and the Technicolor Yawn rather than The Adventures of Colon and Rectum.

Yeah keep drinking lots of water. It keeps you hydrated and it'll help with the dry heaves.

Give the old abs a good workout, though, doesn't it?

^ Screw it. I'll take an hour of situps over this for an ab workout.

What I got has been going around. The good news is it goes as quick as it comes on.

What's worse - 3 days of feeling a little off or 1 day of feeling like hell?

VT: Sorry to read that you are stricken. I've been pretty fortunate this year (knock on wood). I hope your back to your normal spamming self in no time.

I was feeling so much better as the afternoon went on that I went ahead and told the wife it was OK to proceed with the plans to make chili as previously decided upon.

All of a sudden as it got later I started feeling crappy again. Guys I don't want any chili!!! :wacko: :wacko: :eek:hmy:

I was feeling so much better as the afternoon went on that I went ahead and told the wife it was OK to proceed with the plans to make chili as previously decided upon.
All of a sudden as it got later I started feeling crappy again. Guys I don't want any chili!!! :wacko: :wacko: :eek:hmy:

I'm not sick, but my 4 year old woke up at 2:30AM this morning projectile vomiting.


And my occupancy sensor in my office is acting up and shutting the lights off every 20 minutes or so. NOT good on a day when you're surviving on 3 hours sleep.

I can only hope that the rest of the family escapes this bug. To be continued........

I'm not sick, but my 4 year old woke up at 2:30AM this morning projectile vomiting.

And my occupancy sensor in my office is acting up and shutting the lights off every 20 minutes or so. NOT good on a day when you're surviving on 3 hours sleep.

I can only hope that the rest of the family escapes this bug. To be continued........
Use the lights going out as an excuse to get some shut-eye. 'I don't know what happened. The lights went out, and since I was up all night with the 3-y.o, I guess I just passed out...' Should work, right?

Actually, our policy is thus:

If you are caught sleeping while on company premises, immediate termination. I was a supervisor for a year and had to let 2 people go because of this policy.
