--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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I'm not sick, but my 4 year old woke up at 2:30AM this morning projectile vomiting.
I remember an episode VERY WELL. Wet/dry shop vac is the greatest invention for clean-up. You just soak down all of the carpet that was "hit" and vacuum it up. It amazed me how well it cleaned.


I remember an episode VERY WELL. Wet/dry shop vac is the greatest invention for clean-up. You just soak down all of the carpet that was "hit" and vacuum it up. It amazed me how well it cleaned.:true:
I will keep this in mind for the furute. I already own a wet/dry shop vac, so all I need now is the sawdust soak up stuff.

I will keep this in mind for the furute. I already own a wet/dry shop vac, so all I need now is the sawdust soak up stuff.
We just used water (maybe a little Lysol added) to wet the carpet and vacuumed. No absorbent clean-up stuff. I'm telling you every parent should get a wet/dry vac when they have kids.

We just used water (maybe a little Lysol added) to wet the carpet and vacuumed. No absorbent clean-up stuff. I'm telling you every parent should get a wet/dry vac when they have kids.
I think I'm going to register for hardwood floors to avoid this exact problem. :-/ I make a big enough mess, I can't imagine what my offspring will do!

I think I'm going to register for hardwood floors to avoid this exact problem. :-/ I make a big enough mess, I can't imagine what my offspring will do!
We have hardwood floors and we have been told our house is not child friendly since carpeting would be better for their development (pushing things across and softer to land on)... We prefer to not have the problem of all the dust and crap that accumulates under the wall to wall carpet and we both agree cleaning is easier off of the hardwood!

^^^ Ummm ... hardwood floors will stain and discolor not to mention show all of the dirt, dust, and pet dander that is collected in your house.

*Voice of Experience*


^^^No pets = No pee stains from them

I clean the house for the most part and can't stand things being dirty so that is not usually a problem

We just used water (maybe a little Lysol added) to wet the carpet and vacuumed. No absorbent clean-up stuff. I'm telling you every parent should get a wet/dry vac when they have kids.
who gets to clean out the shop vac?

^^^ Ummm ... hardwood floors will stain and discolor not to mention show all of the dirt, dust, and pet dander that is collected in your house
agreed - IMHO hardwood is more maintenance than carpet, but I do like the look.

We have hardwood floors and we have been told our house is not child friendly since carpeting would be better for their development (pushing things across and softer to land on)...
screw them. I say, go with what you want.

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We have ceramic tile flooring, and just put down area rugs for the kids play areas. Solves the problem, right there. When the kids are 6 or 8 or whenever it is they stop destrying things, you just throw away the trashed carpet.

We have ceramic tile flooring, and just put down area rugs for the kids play areas. Solves the problem, right there. When the kids are 6 or 8 or whenever it is they stop destrying things, you just throw away the trashed carpet.
When they stop destroying things? I haven't stopped doing that yet! :p

I don't know. My daughter is 11, and she is still the Master of Disaster around our house. I guess the 6-8 year thing is what, in my mind, is about the useful life of area rugs and upholstery, before you just can't stand the stains and smells anymore.

I'm not sick, but my 4 year old woke up at 2:30AM this morning projectile vomiting.
My wife told me a great story last night about a piglet, projectile diarrhea from said porcine, and the controls to a very expensive MRI device. The sordid tales of working in medical research. I was gagging and laughing at the same time. It reminded me of a Fudgey tale.

Well, last night was a repeat. My wife thinks that our daughter has an ear infection because not only is she puking, but she's got violent diareah. Poor kid, when I was up at 1:30 with her, she looked at me between dry heaves and said, "daddy, help me. I'll take medicine now". This coming from a child that fights us tooth and nail to NOT take medicine. I'll just say that her being in a full sized bed helped. With my wife and I taking turns, we each were able to get some sleep, while alternating going in her room.

It sucks when your kid is sick and there's not much you can do to help.

"daddy, help me. I'll take medicine now"
reminds me of the old saying - there are no aetheists in foxholes.

I hope she gets better soon...for all of your family's sake.

It truly does suck watching your kid suffer and there's not a whole heck of a lot you can do but help him/her ride out the storm.

Well I think the reason the squirts got all over the place was because the person holding the pig freaked out and started swinging it around to avoid getting splattered. Like twirling around a garden hose.
Gee, thanks, VTE. That's an image I'll work hard to erase from my brain.

The daycare just called to tell me they're closing early today and will be closed tomorrow because so many of the staff are sick! My kids have had the sniffles, but seem ok otherwise. I guess we have another day to play in the snow!!
