I am screwed!!!!!!!!!!! :smileyballs:
Previously posted here that I pulled my groin playing softball. I went to the Doc and he even told me that I had a Grade (or level 1) pull. He asked me to rest and to take Advil???? and I did so.
When the pain was away and went back to play just to have the same pain returning after a couple of plays. One of my teammates is a Physical Therapist and he asked me about the symptoms and where was the pain. I was darn lucky he was there!!!! He told me that I was making no sense and based on his experience my groin was OK. He thought that even when the pain was reflecting in the groin area it was not the source of the problem. He promised me he would talk with a girlfriend of his about my case.
Just finished talking with the nice lady Doctor and she guided me thru the symptoms. She told me to do some movements and asked me questions during the process. Does it hurt now? Where? Move your legs like this...like that.
I have no groin injury. It is way much worst!!!!!!!! It is called Osteitis pubis (WTF????) and it is a bitch(excuse my English)
Here is the link
Osteitis pubis
Sometimes the best thing a Doc can do is listen to their patients. The first one I went showed me how much he knew. He knew nothing.
Looks like I am done playing softball, or any athletic activity, for a long time. If I am not careful it can and will end in surgery. :smileyballs: