--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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The doctor told me that if the hernia came back, it would be within the year, but on the other side. That sound right?
It depends - the other side is more likely to form the hernia since it is theoretically weaker (e.g. not reinforced or surgically repaired) as the other side.

I only know about the mesh surgeries through my mother's problems. She has had several surgeries with the latest culminating in one large piece of mesh (think 11" x 17") placed to keep things straight. The incision alone was 34" around her waist line. :eek:hmy: Good news is that the mesh is doing the job! :thumbs:

I have several incision scars and I am down a few organs ... but no mesh. :)


^^^ It is a very long, graphic story so let's keep it simple and say that I had to learn to deal with my stress in a more constructive way. :)

While I was active duty in the service I developed a rather serious digestive condition - the base physician told me I had ulcerative colitis and simply prescribed medication. It turns out that he mis-diagnosed me - the ulceration was far worse and due to a different (unexplained) disease process the condition continued to deteriorate and spread. Before it was all said and done (months later), I found myself rushed to a hospital with the end result looking like a scene from The Shining. :true:

In terms of entire organs .. I guess I am only missing one entire organ - my gall bladder. I am also missing parts of my stomach, large intesting, and small intestine, not to mention that I have been replumbed for more efficient digestion. :)

Whilst my modifications do funny things to me from time-to-time, I am just glad I got to the right doctor before things went REALLY BAD. :)


Cold still feels like it is coming on, but didn't get any worse. Great, I'll have a mini-cold for the next month instead!

I am screwed!!!!!!!!!!! :smileyballs:

Previously posted here that I pulled my groin playing softball. I went to the Doc and he even told me that I had a Grade (or level 1) pull. He asked me to rest and to take Advil???? and I did so.

When the pain was away and went back to play just to have the same pain returning after a couple of plays. One of my teammates is a Physical Therapist and he asked me about the symptoms and where was the pain. I was darn lucky he was there!!!! He told me that I was making no sense and based on his experience my groin was OK. He thought that even when the pain was reflecting in the groin area it was not the source of the problem. He promised me he would talk with a girlfriend of his about my case.

Just finished talking with the nice lady Doctor and she guided me thru the symptoms. She told me to do some movements and asked me questions during the process. Does it hurt now? Where? Move your legs like this...like that.

I have no groin injury. It is way much worst!!!!!!!! It is called Osteitis pubis (WTF????) and it is a bitch(excuse my English)

Here is the link

Osteitis pubis

Sometimes the best thing a Doc can do is listen to their patients. The first one I went showed me how much he knew. He knew nothing.

Looks like I am done playing softball, or any athletic activity, for a long time. If I am not careful it can and will end in surgery. :smileyballs:

Wow, BIO. That's not good. I've decided to have surgery on my thumb. The CMC joint in my right thumb has NO cartilage left in it, plus it has arthritis. I'm right-handed, so last year I switched to left-handed mouse operation. I wear a brace almost all of the time now. I've had several cortisone shots, but the last one didn't help at all. At one time, I thought I could put it off a few more years, but it's changing the way I live my life. It is outpatient surgery and I'll be in a cast for about 6 weeks. It's not scheduled yet, but I'm hoping I can do it in late February.

I hope you can keep your injury from getting worse.

Wow, BIO. That's not good. I've decided to have surgery on my thumb. The CMC joint in my right thumb has NO cartilage left in it, plus it has arthritis. I'm right-handed, so last year I switched to left-handed mouse operation. I wear a brace almost all of the time now. I've had several cortisone shots, but the last one didn't help at all. At one time, I thought I could put it off a few more years, but it's changing the way I live my life. It is outpatient surgery and I'll be in a cast for about 6 weeks. It's not scheduled yet, but I'm hoping I can do it in late February.
I hope you can keep your injury from getting worse.
Sorry to read that Mary. I wish you a full recovery. Keep us posted.

(by the way...nice avatar)

I am screwed!!!!!!!!!!! :smileyballs:
Previously posted here that I pulled my groin playing softball. I went to the Doc and he even told me that I had a Grade (or level 1) pull. He asked me to rest and to take Advil???? and I did so.

When the pain was away and went back to play just to have the same pain returning after a couple of plays. One of my teammates is a Physical Therapist and he asked me about the symptoms and where was the pain. I was darn lucky he was there!!!! He told me that I was making no sense and based on his experience my groin was OK. He thought that even when the pain was reflecting in the groin area it was not the source of the problem. He promised me he would talk with a girlfriend of his about my case.

Just finished talking with the nice lady Doctor and she guided me thru the symptoms. She told me to do some movements and asked me questions during the process. Does it hurt now? Where? Move your legs like this...like that.

I have no groin injury. It is way much worst!!!!!!!! It is called Osteitis pubis (WTF????) and it is a bitch(excuse my English)

Here is the link

Osteitis pubis

Sometimes the best thing a Doc can do is listen to their patients. The first one I went showed me how much he knew. He knew nothing.

Looks like I am done playing softball, or any athletic activity, for a long time. If I am not careful it can and will end in surgery. :smileyballs:
Wow, that sucks!

good luck with that. This just shows that you can't trust doctors implicitly, like we once believed. get second opinions if it don't sound right.

you play aussie rules football BIO, you animal! :joke:

I have no groin injury. It is way much worst!!!!!!!! It is called Osteitis pubis (WTF????) and it is a bitch(excuse my English)
Damn BIO ... that really does suck! I am just glad you didn't do anything worse based on what you felt was COMPETENT medical direction from a doctor. That is complete :BS:

Take some rest and I hope it recovers and that you will NOT need surgery. I think anytime you 'elect' to have surgery these days, you really put your well being to the test. I have become very distrustful of doctors and even more distrustful of the insurance companies. I have had surgery that I was told was necessary - it ended up being :poop: I am just very glad to be here after that ordeal :)


maybe you can swim? that can be theraputic
I have to do "Deep Water Walk" first. It is too painful to swim right now.....I tried.

The Lady Doc sent me a couple of links but warned me not too start any recovery therapy yet. She wants to see me in person to do some tests before giving me a recovery schedule. Based on what I told her she thinks there is a chance to avoid surgery but warned me not too have high hopes about it.

Wow, BIO. That's not good. I've decided to have surgery on my thumb. The CMC joint in my right thumb has NO cartilage left in it, plus it has arthritis. I'm right-handed, so last year I switched to left-handed mouse operation. I wear a brace almost all of the time now. I've had several cortisone shots, but the last one didn't help at all. At one time, I thought I could put it off a few more years, but it's changing the way I live my life. It is outpatient surgery and I'll be in a cast for about 6 weeks. It's not scheduled yet, but I'm hoping I can do it in late February.
I hope you can keep your injury from getting worse.
is this related to your italian backhand?

sorry, I could not resist. I hope it turns out OK!

The Italian backhand would be a knuckle-buster, but not involve my thumb. Besides, I haven't used that in a long time :)

I'm not sure that any one thing cause the deterioration in my joint, probably 50 years of abusing it. I'm actually looking forward to having it fixed, not the process, but the result. I'm going to have to be very dependent on my left hand for awhile.
