--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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VT - it doesn't sound like pink eye. Pink eye is really itchy and usually there's yellow goop coming out of your eye. It sounds more like you have something in there. There's a good eye doctor just a mile or two from your office - you should have it checked out if it doesn't get better.

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Pinkeye can be itchy and it can also hurt all around your eyelids. It doesn't have to have both. But yeah, I think the key thing is whether or not there is nasty discharge coming out and swelling. If you wake up and your eye is crusted shut, it's probably pinkeye. If not, you should still get it checked out.

Allergies can cause some similar symptoms, and "conjunctivitis" (the basic catch-all for the pinkeye symptoms) can be caused by viral infections (say, a side effect of some bug you caught) as well as bacteria other than the pinkeye strain. For example, if you catch leptospirosis, you may also suffer from conjunctivits as one of the symptoms.

But I only play a Doctor on internet message boards. You should get it checked out by someone who's medical credentials don't solely consist of the initials "B.S." and "P.E." Untreated pinkeye can lead to brain infections and unexpected head explosions, from what I learned in Lindeburg's medical engineering reference manual.

It looks a little worse today. Fortunately it makes me look more like a strung out addict than someone who got beat up.
Well, atleast your prostate isn't swollen up like mine is.

Damn, I must have been hit hard with something crazy. Good thing I got a flu shot!

You rang?

kevo, you really ought to be taking better care of your PE-ness, especially considering how new it is.

Just got home from the hospital. I had a hernia repaired. Actually it was 3 hernias. Surprised the doc a bit. Anyway, I have "mesh" under my ab muscles to keep it from happening again. DAmn it hurts.

Just got home from the hospital. I had a hernia repaired. Actually it was 3 hernias. Surprised the doc a bit. Anyway, I have "mesh" under my ab muscles to keep it from happening again. DAmn it hurts.
Indeed when doctors start messing in that area it is painful. I had abdominal surgery three years ago that required six (6) cuts in different areas, partly because it was laproscopic (sp?) surgery. Took about a month before everything felt sorta normal.

Recommendation: take it as easy as possible. Abdominal muscles tend to heal slower than other muscle groups because of the higher ration of adipose tissue (fat) - adipose doesn't heal very fast at all (anaerobic) and is more susceptible to post-operative infection.

Can you tell my wife is a nurse?? ;)


I feel myself starting to come down with something... when you can just tell that you are not breathing right and your throat has that hint of soreness.

Time for my remedy... several screwdrivers chasing some nyquil!

This is going to be an ugly week on so many levels.

good advise thanks JR
I got the "mesh" as well...had hernia surgery my sophmore year of college. Wiped out the final thrid of my sophmore JUCO baseball season, which sucked. The doctor told me that if the hernia came back, it would be within the year, but on the other side. That sound right?

Anyway, take it easy...


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I got the "mesh" as well...had hernia surgery my sophmore year of college. Wiped out the final thrid of my sophmore JUCO baseball season, which sucked. The doctor told me that if the hernia came back, it would be within the year, but on the other side. That sound right?Anyway, take it easy...

I am seeing the doc today for follow-up. I will ask. So far so good. I can't tie my own shoes yet but everything else seems to be ok!

