--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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I got a concussion this weekend so I'm stuck at home. Good news is Engineering Disasters is on the History channel so I'm missing bad daytime TV. Bad news is it's 1:59 and I don't know what's going to happen at 2. :-(
Ouch, I hope you are recovering well.


I've been so out of it I forgot I even wrote that! I haven't been back to work yet, deciding on tomorrow as I type.

There actually *wasn't* alcohol involved. I was standing up and I blacked out and a brick fireplace was between me and the floor. Btw, try and avoid doing this if you can. Luckily my friend the doctor saw it happen and was at my side immediately and until I woke up. My head still freaking hurts, and not just a little. :-(

Good excuse to not study though :bananalama:

This is what I look like right now ---> :wacko:

Blows. Thanks for asking though, I feel loved. :)

Damn squishles that is brutal !!

At least you can look at the silver lining - a few days without studying and one hell of a story to get ribbed over. :) I hope you feel better soon!


The bad news: puked twice at work, head feels like someone stapled my skull to my brain, had to come home early.

The good news: Walker, Texas Ranger is on now. My daily dose of Chuck.


I am nursing a bruised foot today. I was helping my wife bring packages in from outside and the porch had gotten wet from a pretty decent rain storm. I was on the last trip from the car and heading up the steps - I ended up catching my foot on the toe of the door stop which lead to my other foot slipping and a loud crash from me because I was more concerned about the packages in my hand then hitting the ground.

Fortunately it was mostly my pride that was injured last night ... but damn my foot is killing me this morning. At least it gives me an excuse to lounge around a bit today. ;)


P.S. Despite beliefs to the contrary - alcohol was NOT involved in this incident!!

I hurt my back a bit yesterday rearranging furniture and moving things over for the nursery from my inlaws house. What really did me in though, was when my FIL said "can you give me a hand putting the new vanity sink in the bathroom". I didn't realize this meant can you install the damn thing while I sit on my ass and watch, and by the way I don't have any beer in the house???

Old pipes, cumbersome sink, crappy parts he bought, one trip to the Home Cheap-o, and the all he did was criticize.

My favorite is he calls himself the 'Mechanic of the Family' since he claims to be so handy. Handy my ass, the only good tools he has are the ones he borrowed from me and never returned.

Icing on the cake - this morning I was retrieving my garbage can lid when I promptly slipped, danced a bit, and then fell on my ass on the ice. I should have just fallen originally, it probably wouldn't have been so bad (further aggrevated my back and bruised my hand).

^^^ Yikes ray!! I hope that starts to feeling better soon because you will be holding TWO bundles of joy and not one!

I have heard that slipping on ice (and taking a solid hit) are the absolute worst. My wife and MIL were discussing ice-slipping incidents after I took my spill. It seems that the bend of thier story wasn't about the ice, or even the slipping, it was the uncontrollable laughter of the bystanders.

Feel better soon Ray!


I hurt my back a bit yesterday rearranging furniture and moving things over for the nursery from my inlaws house. What really did me in though, was when my FIL said "can you give me a hand putting the new vanity sink in the bathroom". I didn't realize this meant can you install the damn thing while I sit on my ass and watch, and by the way I don't have any beer in the house???
Old pipes, cumbersome sink, crappy parts he bought, one trip to the Home Cheap-o, and the all he did was criticize.

My favorite is he calls himself the 'Mechanic of the Family' since he claims to be so handy. Handy my ass, the only good tools he has are the ones he borrowed from me and never returned.

Icing on the cake - this morning I was retrieving my garbage can lid when I promptly slipped, danced a bit, and then fell on my ass on the ice. I should have just fallen originally, it probably wouldn't have been so bad (further aggrevated my back and bruised my hand).
I hope you get well soon Ray. YOu will need all your energy for the twins. Maybe we can create a thread called The Disabled List. So far we have Ray (bad back), JR (foot injury), BIO (groin pull). Darn, are we old or this is a virus?

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^ I got a busted big toe that needs an MRI next week. The ball of my foot is twice the size of the other. I get this sinking feeling they are going to need to go in and "clean it up" at some point.

I am going under the knife tomorrow. No big deal, I have a hernia. I hope that I have my results today!

I hope you get well soon Ray. YOu will need all your energy for the twins. Maybe we can create a thread called The Disabled List. So far we have Ray (bad back), JR (foot injury), BIO (groin pull). Darn, are we old or this is a virus?
A Disabled List sounds like a good idea. I am always listed as probable anyway (bad back is why I am no longer a fireman)... with kids, it doesn't matter how good or bad you feel, you still have to everything anyway. Thank god I am at work right now, I can rest for a bit!

yeah, a bad back is why I am going to get one of those slings for the baby to hang out in. Hopefully it will take the load off my back. I have two shifted lower vertebrae that give me fits.

I am going under the knife tomorrow. No big deal, I have a hernia. I hope that I have my results today!
I had an umbilical hernia repaired this summer. I was disappointed in the drugs. They put me to sleep, I'd wake up four hours later, pop another one, then sleep four hours...(repeats for the better part of the day).

Glad I had it done, though.


All I can say is that my whole family thanks you and your family for the sacrifice. My wife told her first grade class about you, and they all wrote you christmas letters. She teaches 1st grade ESE so some of the letters are hard to read, but most are really funny. I sent the letters and twizzlers last week, although I am sure you haven't got them yet. Keep your head up, and hurry home. :unitedstates:

Sapper, to be honest, I'd worry about you if you weren't feeling a little down this time of year, away from family and friends. You are incredible in my mind. I hope that you will look back one day and realize that these tough years helped make you who you are. The toughest times of our lives make us the strongest. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. And, if you need us, we're here for you.

Right on cue.

Well, I finally caught whatever was going around the office. I need to get a project out but after that, I'm going home!

I hope that I'll be better tomorrow. It's going to be our holiday party!

Ok, you guys are a bunch of engineers, so I obviously respect your medical advice. Actually, I was just wondering if anyone's ever had this before.

My lower eyelid on my left eye is swelled up a bit and sore, and my eye is a little bid redder than usual. It kinda burns a little bit and my eye just hurts a litle in general. Do you think I might be getting pink eye? I've never had it before so I am not totally sure what it feels like.

Ok, you guys are a bunch of engineers, so I obviously respect your medical advice. Actually, I was just wondering if anyone's ever had this before.

My lower eyelid on my left eye is swelled up a bit and sore, and my eye is a little bid redder than usual. It kinda burns a little bit and my eye just hurts a litle in general. Do you think I might be getting pink eye? I've never had it before so I am not totally sure what it feels like.
