--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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Fraz:  I hope that goes away as quickly as it came on.  Back pains are nothing to dismiss.  If you have it defined by a specific position it might be wise to have it checked out.  Feel better soon.

Yeah, they are nice.

I mainly use it for decompression when my spine gets sore. They can be used for inverted crunches or other work outs but I don't do that.

I bought mine at Costco. Just wait until after x-mas and they will be advertised around $200. 

They're on Craigslist all the time in like new condition for <$100

Yeah, they are nice.

I mainly use it for decompression when my spine gets sore. They can be used for inverted crunches or other work outs but I don't do that.

I bought mine at Costco. Just wait until after x-mas and they will be advertised around $200. 

Of course, junior has his first playground mishap while I'm away for the weekend (on an EB.com excursion no less). Somehow he fell off of this climbing contraption and dislocated his elbow. This happened while LadyFox was visiting family in northern WI where facilities are spread out hours apart. Apparently that was a bit of a nightmare trying to get EMT services to respond appropriately and then eventually treat him (which was apparent they weren't used to seeing toddlers). Needless to say, it was a stressful weekend for them. But I'm back home now and today we are waiting to see a specialist. 

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Eep! I hope he heals up quickly!

On the note of dislocated elbows... My college ex dislocated his elbow while snowboarding one winter. Since it happened on the side of the mountain, the ski patrol medical people came to him. They thought he'd dislocated his shoulder (since apparently that's a more common injury...?) and so caused him quite a bit of discomfort before realizing they were trying to fix the wrong joint.

Part of me wants to home school Junior next year JUST to avoid the cess pool that is public school.  Junior has been sick for about three weeks, and I had managed to go something ridiculous like 18 months+ without more than a day or two of the sniffles (allergy shots were a life saver).  I had four days of my throat looking like raw hamburger, peaking on Saturday with a low grade fever and total loss of my voice.  Mrs. Supe has the same, though I'm on the mend while she is still getting worse.  Really going to make for a loooooooooooooong Monday.
