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stupid me.  I am due for my annual allergist appt soon, so to be able to answer the question so how are the allergy shots working, I took minisnick into the pet store this weekend.  I was able to last the 15 minutes we were in there without the throat getting all ticklely, but I have paid for it since then.  The delayed reaction is the same but the instantaneous reaction was less.    

That sucks, Snick!

Last night was first night with my CPAP setup.  Ripped it off my face around 3am.  This isn't going to go well.

Nose with strap.  I'm a side/stomach sleeper that rolls around a lot due to back pain.

That sucks, Snick!

Last night was first night with my CPAP setup.  Ripped it off my face around 3am.  This isn't going to go well.

Whatever you do, make sure you clean the CPAP per the instructions.  A guy my dad used to work with caught a rare, fatal respiratory virus from his CPAP machine and died a few months ago.  It's likely he never cleaned his machine.

Whatever you do, make sure you clean the CPAP per the instructions.  A guy my dad used to work with caught a rare, fatal respiratory virus from his CPAP machine and died a few months ago.  It's likely he never cleaned his machine.
Holy crap!  They said warm, soapy water once a week, and replace the consumables every 6 months (mask, hose, air filter).

With the allergy attack shirts with crew cut necklines bothered me so I wore a slight v neck shirt yesterday out on my site visit.  I was super dutiful and slathered sunblock in the morning, but after lunch i missed a spot along my neck line when i reapplies sunblock for the afternoon site walk.  major sunburn in the spot i missed and after only about 2hrs in the sun.  

the muscles in the side of my foot keeps cramping...started last night when I laid down.  
ugh foot cramps are my worst enemy! do you have a tennis ball or golf ball accessible? For future - i would order a set of lacrosse balls that are THE BEST at digging into sore spots. put them in a tube sock so you can easily throw it over your shoulder for back ouchies, or roll your foot on it at the office to help with foot stuff - i have plantar flare ups and the lacrosse balls are my friend! also magnesium!! 

this isn't on the bottom...I get the plantar flare ups too.  This is on the outer side of the top.
yeah, i get it on all sides of my foot. aside from stretching and rubbing the side of my foot, stepping on a golf ball or lacrosse ball to just force my muscles to relax somehow helped on the side/top area. 

Had a lovely memorial day weekend with friends visiting and missing a planned brunch and BBQ with said friends because I was tossing and turning in misery for 24 hours 

Mrs. Supe and Junior both sick.  That took all of four school days.  I'm just glad my CPAP has an air filter in it!

Seriously dragging ass this morning.  Got distracted and took my morning pills at night, and had to take my night pills this morning.  Was wide awake at 1:00 am and am in a total fog today.

I went to a wedding ceremony on Saturday that only lasted 15 minutes, but I got 5 very itchy mosquito bites on my legs in that time. Stupid delicious exotic meat of mine.

I went to a wedding ceremony on Saturday that only lasted 15 minutes, but I got 5 very itchy mosquito bites on my legs in that time. Stupid delicious exotic meat of mine.
The wife and kid watch "Naked and Afraid" all the time, and it's always the mosquito bites that puts me into the "not if my life depended on it" category.  I don't know how these people make it one day.

I seriously tweeked my back this morning.  It hurts so bad I almost didn't come to work, but mainly it hurts to sit and lay down so I might as well be standing at my desk.  I wasn't even doing anything strenuous - I was just trying to put my boots on.  Now even bending over slightly is impossible.  I must be getting old.
