Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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Out of 8 goals (norm is 3 to 5, btw), 7 were either met or far exceeded. The 8th was a stretch goal that didn't get all that far.

For your great contributions, you get 3 out of 5. :brick:

How long is nursing school? We are losing one person to retirement at the end of the month and another has started nursing school so she will likely leave once she done. We are already short staffed as it is thanks to layoffs and retirements.

it depends. is it a bachelors or an associates degree? Is it a standard college, or an accelerated program?

For example, my wife got her bachelor's of nursing in 10 months because it was through an accelerated program (based on the fact she already had a bachelors degree in something else), but a standard BSN would take 4 years and other accelerated programs take 2.

Nursing school depends on whether she is going LPN, ASN (RN), or BSN (RN). Could be anywhere from 1-4 years depending.

I'm very glad I don't have to deal with performance reviews anymore.

it depends. is it a bachelors or an associates degree? Is it a standard college, or an accelerated program?

For example, my wife got her bachelor's of nursing in 10 months because it was through an accelerated program (based on the fact she already had a bachelors degree in something else), but a standard BSN would take 4 years and other accelerated programs take 2.
she already has a bs in a science...I haven't a clue where she is going, it;s in town somewhere so it could be either....all i know is that it is going to affect my work load which I am not happy about

^^^Po0f your wish is my command, you wake to find you've aged so much your grey beard and eyebrows are growing together. You swing you legs out of bed to head for the mirror, but as you stand up you feel a sharp pain shoot up the back of your spine. As you look down, you realize your standing on your balls.

Oopsies, wrong thread....

What the Sh!t is up with all of the bobble headed, flashy-lighty, hand-wavey GIF like ads all over the internets??? Sick of em I tellsya'd think vacuum sealed foods would be ok. got the fruit and walnut salad thing from mc donalds got 1/4-1/2 of the way through it and found one of the grapes was all fuzzy...yummy

Found out over the weekend that despite the fact we live on a public street, the HOA rules prohibit ALL on-street parking. All vehicles need to be either parked in the driveway, the garage, or in [non-existent] designated parking areas. I have a 3-CAR garage, but unfortunately I own a full-size Ford Bronco, a Jeep Commander, and the Camaro. The garage is only big enough for 2 of them, and if I park the 3rd in the driveway I end up blocking use for the 2nd vehicle, so I park the Bronco on the street around the corner (still along my property).

The part that makes me mad is the fact that the HOA does not check the ownership of the vehicle before sending out notices, so my neighbor got the nasty-gram from the HOA because the Bronco is parked across the street from their house (closer to their driveway than to mine). Additionally, there is a hiking trail that sits across the street from us that regularly brings in visitors who will park in the area while they go on their hikes. According to the covenants I can get fined for this, despite the fact I have ZERO control of who parks their vehicle on the street.

I wasn't an issue before because the HOA was originally allowing the Bronco there due to the proximity to construction and the assumption it belonged to one of the workers.

Oh well, time to become a board member for the HOA and get this thrown out...

Be glad they only fine you. In my neighborhood we notify via warning sticker (impossible to get off) then we tow.

Ours isn't a public road though, so we can do whatever the f*@k we want. ;)

As an HOA board member I'd advise you to consider carefully before joining your HOA. I actually kind of enjoyed life before I joined the board.

no parking even during the day? THats messed up. One of the places we were looking at had a no overnight street parking HOA rule...but thats just nuts

HOA are worst than blood sucking lawyers. I cannot wait to be able to sell the house and move the heck out of where I live just because the darn HOA.

HOA's aren't that bad, so long as you know what you are getting into. If people would read and understand the covenants prior to buying a place with an HOA 99% of the issues people have would be avoided. Most of the time the first time people find out about a rule like that is when they are in violation of it.

^our realtor actually had a hard time getting that kind of stuff from the people whose houses we were looking at.
