Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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Here is a conversation I had with the CAD manager for one of my projects (we’re in prelim design). . .

Me: I’d like to change the text on the drawings for this project, I’m having a hard time reading it.

CAD Manager: Well, company CAD standards require us to use the software “out of the box” and this text is the standard “out of the box” text style. It’s small because it’s on a half-size print.

Me: But I can barely read the text and all of our deliverables are half size! There has to be a way to globally change the properties of the annotations?

CAD Manager: Nope, we’d have to change each text box manually in every drawing.

Me: So, you’re telling me that this state of the art 3D CAD software platform on which our company is standardizing does not have the ability to automatically change the text size globally for the project? BS

CAD Manager: That’s what corporate tells me. Their recommendation is to use full size drawings or review documents electronically. Of course if the client requests the change, then it’s a project requirement and corporate will probably help us find a way to change it.

Me: Well you can bet I’m going to suggest to my client that they want the text size to be changed. If my 30-yr old eyes with perfect reading vision have a hard time reading the text, I can guarantee you the client and contractor will have a hard time reading the text!

CAD Manager: Well, I can read it.

I really wanted to tell him “So are you going to go down to the client and read him all the notes? And then are you going to go down and construct the project for them? F*** company standards, grow some balls and do what’s right for our client!”

I suppose it doesn’t matter that I can’t tell if that dimension is a 6 or 9. At least the text meets the company standard.

Here is a conversation I had with the CAD manager for one of my projects (we’re in prelim design). . .

Me: I’d like to change the text on the drawings for this project, I’m having a hard time reading it.

CAD Manager: Well, company CAD standards require us to use the software “out of the box” and this text is the standard “out of the box” text style. It’s small because it’s on a half-size print.

Me: But I can barely read the text and all of our deliverables are half size! There has to be a way to globally change the properties of the annotations?

CAD Manager: Nope, we’d have to change each text box manually in every drawing.

Me: So, you’re telling me that this state of the art 3D CAD software platform on which our company is standardizing does not have the ability to automatically change the text size globally for the project? BS

CAD Manager: That’s what corporate tells me. Their recommendation is to use full size drawings or review documents electronically. Of course if the client requests the change, then it’s a project requirement and corporate will probably help us find a way to change it.

Me: Well you can bet I’m going to suggest to my client that they want the text size to be changed. If my 30-yr old eyes with perfect reading vision have a hard time reading the text, I can guarantee you the client and contractor will have a hard time reading the text!

CAD Manager: Well, I can read it.

I really wanted to tell him “So are you going to go down to the client and read him all the notes? And then are you going to go down and construct the project for them? F*** company standards, grow some balls and do what’s right for our client!”

I suppose it doesn’t matter that I can’t tell if that dimension is a 6 or 9. At least the text meets the company standard.
I live this on a daily basis.

he reminds me of Frank Grimes from The Simpsons
I was thinking he's more of a Mr. Burns.


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Mr. Lindeburg REALLY doesn't like me. He's banned at least 4 of my log-ins, and I can't even register under another name over there. He even sent me a personal e-mail that my user name was offensive, and I even changed it to PE-nuts, and he still banned me!

I don't get it! What did I ever do?????

I wouldn't get too worked up over having access denied - I am sure it isn't the first time you have found yourself in that position! Besides, it doesn't come across very well when you start shooting off at the mouth!

Besides, I think it just boils down to PE-ness envy .. at least that is how it sounds to me! :)


I HATE MONDAY MORNING QUARTERBACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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That was an awesome movie. I'm going to have to watch it again...
Is it strange that my wife knows every word of the "What Would Brain Boitano Do?" song?

We own the movie. We don't watch it that often. I'm a little concerned about her.

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What would Brian Boitano do

If he was here right now?

He'd make a plan and he'd follow through.

That's what Brian Boitano'd do!

Kyle: When Brian Boitano was in the Olympics

Skating for the gold,

He did two Salchows and a triple Lutz

While wearing a blindfold!

Cartman: When Brian Boitano was in the Alps

Fighting grizzly bears,

He used his magical fire-breath

And saved the maidens fair!

Stan and Kyle: So what would Brian Boitano do

If he were here today?

I'm sure he'd kick an ass or two.

That's what Brian Boitano'd do!

Cartman: I want this V-chip out of me.

It has stunted my vocabulary.

Kyle: And I just want my mom to stop fighting everyone.

Stan: For Wendy I'll be an activist, too,

'Cause that's what Brian Boitano'd do!

The boys: And what would Brian Boitano do?

He'd call all the kids in town.

And tell them to unite for truth.

That's what Brian Boitano'd do!

[short bridge]

Brian Dennehy: [walks in] Someone say my name?

Stan: Who are you?

Brian Dennehy: I'm Brian Dennehy.

Kyle: …What? No, not ******' Brian Dennehy!

Stan: Dude, get the **** out of here!

Brian Dennehy: Oh. Bye-ee. [walks out]

The boys: When Brian Boitano traveled through time

To the year three thousand ten,

He fought the evil Robot King

And saved the human race again

Cartman: And when Brian Boitano built the pyramids

He beat up Kublai Khan!

Stan and Kyle: [slowing] 'Cause Brian Boitano doesn't take ****

The boys: from anybody, so

Let's call all the kids together

And unite to stop our moms.

And we'll save Terrance and Phillip, too,

'Cause that's what Brian Boitano'd do!

And we'll save Terrance and Phillip, too,

'Cause that's what Brian Boita-no'd do!

'Cause that's what Brian Boitano'd do!


The panel lights stopped working in the plane a few days ago. Opened it up today and the problem appears to be the dimmer circuit. Cessna wants $586.15 for the replacement. It's two $2.00 transistors and a heat sink. I think I'm about to owner-fabricate a part.

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