Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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When I visit job sites and talk to fitters they always have the most insane, mind-bending rumors flying around. I can't fathom the depths where these ideas originate from nor address their lack of logic directly less I be lynched in situ.
The atmosphere is that I have magically returned to Junior High except these are full grown men.
I'm trying to get caught up on threads and when I read this, I literally laughed out loud due to some of the "insane, mind-bending rumors" spouted on this board! And heaven forbid anyone try to address the "lack of logic". "But I heard it from some anonymous person on a message board and their co-worker's third cousin took the PE exam 25 years ago and swears that the cut score was 52"! Maybe your guys have a "fitters" message board they post on.....

My stomach has become pretty immune to them now, as I eat it every Friday for lunch.

What it is not immune to, was the Chinese buffet we went to yesterday. All we really wanted to go for was sushi and dumplings. They were out of dumplings, and didn't have the sushi MIAF wanted. They brought us out an entire plate of dumplings, and an entire plate of the sushi she wanted. I left them a nice tip for that one.

That aside... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH. I keep getting these power blips at my house. They're usually during the day, so all the clocks are flashing when I get home. Sure enough, had one late last night/early this morning, so I wake up to daylight and a blinking alarm clock, see how late it is, and end up 15 minutes late to work.

That aside... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH. I keep getting these power blips at my house. They're usually during the day, so all the clocks are flashing when I get home. Sure enough, had one late last night/early this morning, so I wake up to daylight and a blinking alarm clock, see how late it is, and end up 15 minutes late to work.
If the time hadn't changed, you would have been an hour and 15 minutes late.

If the time hadn't changed, you would have been an hour and 15 minutes late.

You'd think so, but I'm sure someone would have called and bitched by then.

Normally I wake up a lot earlier on my own, but I was up late last night and dead tired from moving boxes/furniture around.

The pre-packaged family! As Gordon Ramsay would say: Dear oh dear!

ah what the hell do i know, more or less did similar thing(s)


I leave work only to get halfway home when my pager goes off. Lo and behold, my crew forgot to tell me that I was needed to inspect some boiler drum doors because their flanges were machined. The time I was paged - 3:45. The time I was told the boiler SHOULD be ready for inspection - 5:00. These guys are never on time. I'll mozy out there at 5:30 to check on their progress. They're going to hate being on my blacklist.

Ya know, if they would have told me about this earlier this afternoon BEFORE I made plans and left the site, I would be fine.



This would have been red and large font and bold, but the options are not working.

Just work with supercritical boilers from now on and there won't be any steam drums to inspect!

I think Lindeburg's infiltrated a deconstruction virus of this website, and its slowly working its black-magic. . .

He does seem to have his panties in a wad over there at the PPI forum.

he reminds me of Frank Grimes from The Simpsons

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