Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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It's thursday... meetings all day... good grief...

It's bad enough I've caught bronchial-ebola-h1-swine1 flue that's been floating around the office
When I visited my local regulator earlier in the week, I was told they had an official agency policy that they were expressedly prohibited from shaking visitor's hands in the course of doing business. So, I just sat across from the table and mocking coughed in their general direction.

Question: If the rate is 5 cents per 1000, how do you calculate the value for 500K?
They must be one of those engineers doing the energy conversions for clean energy. :)



E-mail this morning saying that all raises/mention of salary associated with our performance reviews are being postponed until at least mid-2010. Naturally, this sucks horribly because I had a considerable increase coming to me because of the new boss/position in the company. At least I'll keep my fingers crossed for some semblance of a bonus.



Last day of studying. Haven't decided if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Yeah, I gotta say that I don't get all of the "This is it" and "the day is finally here" threads coming out on Wed. and Thurs. of test week. It seems like the day everybody is looking for is Saturday...when all of the stress of taking the exam is over...and the stress of waiting for results begins.

******* F'N doorknob! My little contract gig w/ Aerotek E&E that was supposed to last 9mo. and morph into 'to hire' position lasted all of (barely) 4 weeks last April. I havent heard from this Aerotek rep since last May. He calls me today(!) asks if i'm still looking for work. My politest reply is "i was unaware if our relationship had been severed or not". I more than know full well there are no jobs in my field in this State. . .but who the **** goes 5 mo. without so much as a monthly 'touching base' contact?! Like i would ever use (or trust) those d-bags for any employment opp again

Yeah, Aerotek is one of the most shady companies I have ever dealt with...and that was just on the hiring side of their temporary workers. I couldn't imagine actually working for them.

X3. Not too hot, no need for a sweatshirt. Of course, I'm trapped in here 95% of today.

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AUGH! All the other offices and businesses in town are closed for a snow why are we still at work?!?!
would it count if you were sledding on a flexible flyer?

btw, I've shoveled 30" the past two days. my back is screaming!

I shoveled about 4" of chili cheeseburger into my mouth about 20 minutes ago.
