Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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so past few weeks, house was broken into and we lost our electronics to not a very nice person, I have gotten bitten by a brown recluse, my dad is still in the hospital, the tennant at the old house moved out and we haven't found a new one, and they still aren't saying weather our contracts are going to be renewed or not and I might not have a job after sept and the dog just chewed thru my blackberry cord... Can anyone else poop on me?


if you were here I'd buy you a beer and a shot. Sounds like things can only get better. I hope they do.

so past few weeks, house was broken into and we lost our electronics to not a very nice person, I have gotten bitten by a brown recluse, my dad is still in the hospital, the tennant at the old house moved out and we haven't found a new one, and they still aren't saying weather our contracts are going to be renewed or not and I might not have a job after sept and the dog just chewed thru my blackberry cord... Can anyone else poop on me?


I hope the spider bite heals, and all is gets better!

Supe - I'd rip into the supervisor about the ineffectiveness of the online appt application and let them know how you drove / waited / etc, and how you're getting screwed on the reschedule.
How you were hung up on multiple times.

Do it calmly and request that you get some free months for your trouble.

At least that might take the sting out of it.
Totally second these suggestions. As a new customer they should be a little more flexible/accomodating. Shortly after we started our tv/internet/telephone package, the service was out for an entire day, they left a message on our answering machine apologizing/followed by a letter a few days later and they gave us an entire month credit $100+. The funny part was we were both out of town for work the day everything was out, bonus for us.

I was shredding old documents last night. My cable bill has gone up 50% in the last nine years with no change in package.

I was shredding old documents last night. My cable bill has gone up 50% in the last nine years with no change in package.
I don't know that you can really expect the cable company to bring about a change in your package.

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I was going to scream, but my troubles are not worthy. I'll just get back to work. :)

I don't know that you can really expect the cable company to bring about a change in your package.
Actually when I went to get the new digital converter boxes for my cable. The girl behind the desk looked up my account and replied "you have a terrible package!" I said "Excuse me?" she proceeded to click a lot of buttons and change my package so that it provided the same service, I got enhancements (DVR and added two cable boxes) and the net cost still went down $30.month. I enjoyed the way that she altered my package.

On the other hand, my cable company is called Cox.
But I've had this company for 20 years, and if anything my package has shrunk.
When I first moved back to SC in 1995, my cable bill went from 25 bucks with Cox to 42 bucks with TWC, and TWC had maybe 75% of the channels. I wasn't happy.



I purposely drove to NC a day early so I could have my cable hooked up. It's the ONLY day I can get off, since it was before the holiday. I signed up for it online. The slot HAD to be available, because once it's picked, it's no longer listed.

So I'm waiting there for 2 1/2 hours. Not even a call.

I call Time Warner, "Oh, that slot wasn't open, so we rescheduled it for Monday morning."

Uh, yea, because I don't have a JOB TO GO TO OR ANYTHING. Not to mention the fact that the ALTERNATE DATE I PUT DOWN WAS FOR NEXT SATURDAY. But of course, all those slots are full now, so I'm screwed. I was hung up on twice, and was so FUMING mad, that I refused to call back today. I will call back on Monday when I am a little calmer and speak directly to a supervisor.

This is EXACTLY why I've been a loyal DIRECTV customer for going on 12 years now!!


So it's about 9 last night, I'm just about to put dinner on the table, when the dog wants to go out. So I open the door and put him out back. 2 minutes later, he comes running back to the door, yelping and pawing at his face.

I open the door to see what the problem is, and then the smell hits me. Fresh skunk juice. Naturally all the pet stores are closing, so we proceed to scrub him off on the deck with V8 for half an hour, then give him a regular bath. He still stinks this morning by the way.

So its 10 by the time we eat dinner. The veggies are wilted and the meat is cold.

To add fuel to the fire, my wife totally dropped the ball on ordering plane tickets to go out west to visit her folks. We had this companion ticket, so we could both go for the price of one. She sat and sat on it until the point where all the eligible tickets were basically gone, so it would cost like $700+ for us both to go. I'm not up for paying that after taking a big trip already this year.

So I said fine, let's just go visit them in a few months and get tickets in advance so they are cheaper. So she starts whining that she hasn't seen them in a while and really wants to go this summer. I basically told her that if she wanted to see them that badly, she would have done something about this months ago.

My attitude is that we dropped the ball, time to live with the consequences. But she's convinced that I'm trying to be 1. Cheap, and 2. Keep her and her folks apart. So that boiled over last night as well into what I'm sure will be the first of several arguments in the next few weeks.

Tell her SHE can pay for her own ticket, and to tell her folks you said hello.

^ I think that's what it will ultimately come down to. The money is all coming from the same place, but I would compromise and say ok why don't you go do this, but keep it in mind the next time you want those $125 running shoes.

^^^ Beaches!

GRRRRRRRmmblle..... All day meetings, micro-management, and a fabricated sense of urgency over what may or may not happen in 2019 makes for a grumbly day.

At least my dog doesn't smell like skunk-stink. HAHAHAHAHA!!!
