I bet she is serious, and it wouldn't surprise me if she took the co-op or power company to small claims court for some punitive damages due to "lost productivity," "pain and suffering," or some other such nonsense. It hardly matters that there are no compensatory damages in the case. People are entitled to reliable power, dammit, and if they don't get it, somebody has to pay! Such is the state of our current legal system.Another beauty...
Costumer's email last sentence: I want to be reimbursed for the power I lose every time there is an outage.
I did not know how to respond to our representative, the lady dealing with the costumer,and trying as hard as I could not to become a cynical arsehole here is the response:
DK: I do not know if we do really have to clarify this or this is some kind of a joke. In case we do have to clarify please let the costumer know the meter does not spin if there is no power. That being said, there is nothing to reimburse.
It baffles me that I had to answer this stupidity with all the important things in the plate right now.
I've noticed I heal in fits and spurts, then hit a plateau for a while. The healing spurts are weird. I get this intense pins and needles feelings and phantom shooting pains, which then subside into increased feeling. The plateaus are frustrating as hell.
My hands are reasonably good. I can handle a knife in the kitchen, and write serviceably. The feet have been slower to progress. I'm going to need to join a gym or something this winter so I can stay active on my feet, which I think helps. It's just too cold here to spend much time outside in the winter sometimes.
I'll be ready for the EB adventure club in the spring I bet.