Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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^ I thought with the DirectTV software/app, you could cue up multiple games? Like in the main window. Then just pipe those games out to your TV. And doesn't Red Zone operate in a similar fashion?

I really only have one way to stream video from a computer/iPad to a TV, so that would limit me to one game on one TV. It's a "me" problem, not an app problem. But it keeps me from wanting to pay $100 for the service.

WTF is sucralose doing in greek yogurt?!! Its the first thing I tasted...Blah
Yup! Been seeing it in more and more things and it makes me quite upset. I actually by the plain flavor and just add my own frozen fruit along with some honey.

It's in some major brands of bread including Brownberry. Bastards! :eek:ldman:

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WTF is sucralose doing in greek yogurt?!! Its the first thing I tasted...Blah
Yup! Been seeing it in more and more things and it makes me quite upset. I actually by the plain flavor and just add my own frozen fruit along with some honey.

It's in some major brands of bread including Brownberry. Bastards! :eek:ldman:

I have no F'n clue what a Brownberry is, but it sounds... gross.

WTF is sucralose doing in greek yogurt?!! Its the first thing I tasted...Blah
Yup! Been seeing it in more and more things and it makes me quite upset. I actually by the plain flavor and just add my own frozen fruit along with some honey.

It's in some major brands of bread including Brownberry. Bastards! :eek:ldman:

I have no F'n clue what a Brownberry is, but it sounds... gross.
LOL, actually, I never really thought about it. It does sound gross. But here's a link to their product site (yes it's safe for work):

so i stopped at panera this morning and bought a bagel pack which was 13 bagels and cream cheese. I asked for butter and margarine too bc this store doesn't leave it on the counter. The guy put 3 butters and 2 margarines in the bag...for 13 bagels. Glad I checked before I boss (who paid for the bagels) would use that on one bagel.

That's why about twice a year, I go into Taco Bell to place an order. That way, I can fill the bag with fire sauce and I'm good for the better part of the year in case the drive through skimps out.

Sucralose I can deal with, sugar alcohol on the other hand...

I once ate half a bag of the sugar-free Lifesavers not knowing that sugar alcohol was the substitute ingredient. Never again...

WTF is sucralose doing in greek yogurt?!! Its the first thing I tasted...Blah
Yup! Been seeing it in more and more things and it makes me quite upset. I actually by the plain flavor and just add my own frozen fruit along with some honey.

It's in some major brands of bread including Brownberry. Bastards! :eek:ldman:

I have no F'n clue what a Brownberry is, but it sounds... gross.
LOL, actually, I never really thought about it. It does sound gross. But here's a link to their product site (yes it's safe for work):
But I'd wager if you googled Brownberry it'd be ****.

Ouch! I ran 10 miles this morning and spent the rest of my day on my feet doing yard work. My feet are killing me now. The kicker is that I had a list of things I wanted to get done this weekend and I've accomplished none of them. I've been productive, I just haven't worked on anything on my to-do list yet. :\

Always fun when the cats decide to knock over something in the kitchen at 4am. This particular instance was pretty damn loud and some glass breaking. Let's just call it the "Pampered Chef thingy" that was on top of the fridge came tumbling down making an awful ruckus. Once the glass hit the tile......FATALITY! We just said the hell with it and went back to bed for an hour. LOL Not sure what got into them that they felt the need to go up on the fridge either, they typically don't do that.
