Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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Are we the only single people on this board? Seems mostly everyone is married. We need a thread for the singles of EB to post in. A little match making on the side. Lol.
Well technically the divorce isn't official for another 98 days. But who's counting?

I wasn't the first of my friends to get married, buy a house, have a kid, etc. But I really one-upped them in this department. Shoot me.

She is now a college professor on the west coast. We parted friends, just weren't good for each other as spouses. No smoking gun or anything. The only thing I'm pissed about is that she just gave up without trying to work through it or give counseling an honest shot.

I myself also just moved to get a fresh start in life. The higher paying job in a less expensive area didn't hurt either.

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^Dogs are children too...

Krak, go to the painting thing... if there's another single guy there, or one casing the joint, It's probably him. But I would invite a girlfriend or coworker. Either way, your trying something new.

I lived in Vermont for several years, it's quite balmy in comparison.

I'm not a hot weather guy. My summer vacations involve escaping the heat - Alaska, Yukon, Canadian Maritimes, Montana, Iceland, etc.

The only thing I'm pissed about is that she just gave up without trying to work through it or give counseling an honest shot.
That's awful.

Someday she'll realize there's no such thing as a perfect match. The only spouse worth having is one who cares enough to work through the hard parts.

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Well, there isn't that nasty humidity in north TX. OK, agree to disagree. You can have the snow and I'll take the heat.
