Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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Wife says I need to get out and get some exercise. It's not that I'm fat and lazy, just become a shut-in running my own business and working from home.

Not good when the Mrs. tells you to get out more. Or maybe it is.

Just say "colonel angus don't like that tone, got a meetin' withim tamarra an evrathin."

I called the doc office, they can fit me in a week from Wednesday, or I can call back each morning until then before 7:30 am to see if there are any openings. I told the guy that if it's still this bad THEN, I would be an idiot to have not gone to the ER before all that time went by. I am paranoid to just treat it as a sprain since this is the ankle I broke, didn't realize it and had it heal wrong once already (about 5 years ago).

Thing of it is, I did a crazy mud run this weekend and only ended up with a few bruises. This didn't pop up until I was in the back yard, watering flowers and stepped into a hole that the dog dug last year and got missed when we filled them. Regardless, everyone is still going to tell me to stop doing the crazy crap that I do.

It's that time of year again where I get to decide if I want to move or re-new my lease. Of course, I've been informed that rent will be going up at least $50. Contemplating whether I should look for something cheaper and move or just suck it up, pay more and stay. Currently trying to save up to be able to buy a place maybe next year.

It's always fun to listen to 2 people argue about how to use the spreadsheet YOU made for them... it's also fun to hear things like "I don't care what you say, I'm going to do it THIS way" repeated over and over again...

It's that time of year again where I get to decide if I want to move or re-new my lease. Of course, I've been informed that rent will be going up at least $50. Contemplating whether I should look for something cheaper and move or just suck it up, pay more and stay. Currently trying to save up to be able to buy a place maybe next year.
Before you buy, ask envirotex about the property taxes in TX.

Our only real mistake when we bought our house was that we probably bought a year too early. Sure we got a great deal on the house and financially we'll be fine, but had we decided to wait a year we would have been able to substantially pay down a lot of our debt (despite our rent going up $100/mo).

Just sent a 430+ page pdf to the printer. I might as well take the rest of the day off because my comp is done...

I really f%$*ing hate it when someone tells me that a contract document is "all messed-up and missing several things" but won't tell me what exactly is messed-up or missing. You've already done the review, just give me your f%$*ing comments so I don't have to redo everything on my own.


1 month into vendor reviews, and nobody (neither us nor the vendor) have been able to identify what the applicable code of construction is.

I really f%$*ing hate it when someone tells me that a contract document is "all messed-up and missing several things" but won't tell me what exactly is messed-up or missing. You've already done the review, just give me your f%$*ing comments so I don't have to redo everything on my own.

On top of it all, she's the f'ing project controls manager. She knows the contract better than anyone on the project. But instead of telling me whats wrong, I'm stuck reviewing a 430+ page document looking for the proverbial needle...

I really f%$*ing hate it when someone tells me that a contract document is "all messed-up and missing several things" but won't tell me what exactly is messed-up or missing. You've already done the review, just give me your f%$*ing comments so I don't have to redo everything on my own.

On top of it all, she's the f'ing project controls manager. She knows the contract better than anyone on the project. But instead of telling me whats wrong, I'm stuck reviewing a 430+ page document looking for the proverbial needle...
I usually use that a standard comment when my previous comments haven't been addressed yet... I would start by back checking any previous submittable etc...

They're re-assigning me to a new manager for the 4th time since I started this job 3 months ago. I've done little of consequence because they keep pulling me off every project I've started to get involved in, and I know it's not my performance because I'm getting a promotion soon. I feel like my abilities are being wasted.

Maybe I'll just make a de facto career out of spamming EB.
